因此我有一个如下所示的 nginx 配置:
## Redirects all HTTP traffic to the HTTPS host
server {
listen *:80;
server_name me.example.com;
server_tokens off;
return 301 https://me.example.com:443$request_uri;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
server {
listen *:443 ssl;
server {
listen *:9080;
location / {
root /var/www;
index index.html index.htm;
目的是将端口 80 上的 http 流量导向 https (443)。效果非常好。问题是,我对端口 9080 的请求导致我的浏览器切换到 https 然后失败(因为我没有在 9080 上使用 ssl,我也不想使用)。
在 Safari 或 Chrome 中:http://me.example.com:9080/index.html -> https://me.example.com:9080/index.html
使用 CURL:
curl -v http://me.example.com:9080/index.html
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying x.x.x.x...
* Connected to me.example.com (x.x.x.x) port 9080 (#0)
> GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1
> Host: me.example.com:9080
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* Server nginx/1.4.4 is not blacklisted
< Server: nginx/1.4.4
< Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2015 18:32:02 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html
< Content-Length: 157
< Last-Modified: Thu, 09 Apr 2015 18:19:42 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
< ETag: "5526c2be-9d"
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
<title>Test Server</title>
<h3>Welcome to the Test Server!"</h3>
* Connection #0 to host me.example.com left intact
在 Chrome 中,您可以通过导航到以下 URL 从 HSTS 中删除网站:
从 HTTPS 服务器块发送 HTTP(HSTS)标头。
HSTS 标头的目的是将其绑定到接收它的域名。然后,用户代理 (UA) 将其称为 HSTS 主机,并在其缓存中保存数秒max-age
在此期间,对域或有效子域(如果指令指示)的进一步 HTTP 请求includeSubDomains
将通过以下特殊处理:RFC 6797 第 8.3 节:
The UA MUST replace the URI scheme with "https" [RFC2818], and if the URI contains an explicit port component of "80", then the UA MUST convert the port component to be "443", or if the URI contains an explicit port component that is not equal to "80", the port component value MUST be preserved; otherwise, if the URI does not contain an explicit port component, the UA MUST NOT add one. NOTE: These steps ensure that the HSTS Policy applies to HTTP over any TCP port of an HSTS Host. NOTE: In the case where an explicit port is provided (and to a lesser extent with subdomains), it is reasonably likely that there is actually an HTTP (i.e., non-secure) server running on the specified port and that an HTTPS request will thus fail (see item 6 in Appendix A ("Design Decision Notes")).
这意味着如果你尝试发送 HTTP 请求到具有匹配域名的已知 HSTS 主机(第8.2节了解详情)只要 UA 缓存中的 HSTS 主机条目未过期,HTTP 流量就会透明地切换到 HTTPS:
- 如果目标 URI 中的 HTTP 端口为 80(显式或隐式),则在端口 443 上
- 在同一端口否则