Elastic Load Balancer 报告停止服务

Elastic Load Balancer 报告停止服务

我正在使用 aws 上的负载平衡和自动缩放功能。

负载平衡器将实例标记为“停止服务”。但是,实例 (i-xxxx) 运行良好,状态检查报告“数据不足”。

但我无法将 SSH 连接到服务器,因为我知道实例在扩大或缩小时正在发生变化。


Cause: At 2015-05-07T05:54:27Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 0 to 1.
Cause: At 2015-05-07T03:04:13Z an instance was taken out of service in response to a EC2 instance status checks failure.
