Server 2003 Base 上的 ADWS

Server 2003 Base 上的 ADWS


我正在尝试在 Server 2003 SP2(x86/base,不是 R2!)上安装 Web 服务,但是安装时出现错误,结果日志如下:

0.031: ================================================================================
0.031: 2015/06/01 13:35:42.209 (local)
0.031: c:\b586c84e509a0cce78a3c624926d\update\update.exe (version
0.031: Hotfix started with following command line: 
0.031: In Function GetReleaseSet, line 1193, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.031: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions\ProductType is Equal To Specified Value 
0.031: First Condition in Prereq.CheckIfAnyInstanceRunning.Section Succeeded
0.031: Condition succeeded for section Prereq.CheckIfAnyInstanceRunning.Section in Line 1 of PreRequisite 
0.031:  SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5 is Present 
0.031: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\SP is Less Than Specified Value 
0.031: Second Condition in Prereq.CheckCLR.Section Failed
0.031: Condition Check for Line 2 of PreRequisite returned FALSE 
0.031: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102
0.031: KB968934 Setup encountered an error:  Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB968934 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB968934.log
0.031: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102
0.031: Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB968934 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB968934.log

我检查了更新,确保 .NET 3.5 运行良好,但似乎无法在这里找到参考。



您是否遵循了所提到的 KB 的先决条件?

另外,经过简短的 Bing 搜索,我发现了与在 Server 2003 上安装 AD Web 管理网关有关的类似问题,它可能适用于您,也可能不适用于您。
