Haproxy Nginx/Naxsi 到 Web 服务器不起作用

Haproxy Nginx/Naxsi 到 Web 服务器不起作用

我有一个 haproxy/nginx/naxsi 设置,用于负载平衡和安全性。流量应该进入 haproxy,然后进入 nginx/nasxi,如果它们通过了 WAF,则最终进入 Web 服务器。我们在前端和后端也有一个不同的 IP 地址。

我到底做错了什么,导致它无法通过 nginx?通过 nginx 时,我只收到 503 错误,如果我绕过 nginx/naxsi,它就会按预期工作。

Inet -> Haproxy .5.3:80 -> .5.3:81 Nginx/Naxsi .6.3:81 -> .6.x:80 Web 服务器

frontend ft_waf
  bind name http
  mode http
  log global
  option httplog
  timeout client 25s
  maxconn 10000

  # DDOS protection
  # Use General Purpose Couter (gpc) 0 in SC1 as a global abuse counter
  # Monitors the number of request sent by an IP over a period of 10 seconds
  stick-table type ip size 1m expire 1m store gpc0,http_req_rate(10s),http_err_rate(10s)
  tcp-request connection track-sc1 src
  tcp-request connection reject if { sc1_get_gpc0 gt 0 }
  # Abuser means more than 100reqs/10s
  acl abuse sc1_http_req_rate gt 100
  acl kill sc1_inc_gpc0 gt 10
  acl save sc1_clr_gpc0 ge 0
  tcp-request connection accept if !abuse save
  tcp-request connection reject if abuse kill
  acl no_waf nbsrv(bk_waf) eq 0
  acl waf_max_capacity queue(bk_waf) ge 1
  # bypass WAF farm if no WAF available
  use_backend bk_web if no_waf
  # bypass WAF farm if it reaches its capacity
  default_backend bk_waf

# WAF farm where users' traffic is routed first
backend bk_waf
  balance roundrobin
  mode http
  log global
  option httplog
  option forwardfor header X-Client-IP
  # If the source IP generated 10 or more http request over the defined period,
  # flag the IP as abuser on the frontend
  acl abuse sc1_http_err_rate gt 10
  acl kill sc1_inc_gpc0 gt 0
  tcp-request content reject if abuse kill
  # Specific WAF checking: a DENY means everything is OK
  timeout server 25s
  server waf1 maxconn 10000 check

# Traffic secured by the WAF arrives here
frontend ft_web
  bind name http
  mode http
  log global
  option httplog
  # route commerical domains to com_web
  acl is_comm hdr(host) -i -f /etc/haproxy/commweb
  use_backend com_web if is_comm
  acl is_comwbm hdr(host) -i -f /etc/haproxy/webmailredirect
  redirect location http://newwebmail.example.net if is_comwbm
  timeout client 25s
  maxconn 1000
  default_backend bk_web

backend com_web
  balance roundrobin
  mode http
  log global
  option httplog
  option forwardfor
  cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
  default-server inter 30s rise 2 fall 3
  option httpchk HEAD /
  # get connected on the application server using the user ip
  # provided in the X-Client-IP header setup by ft_waf frontend
  source usesrc hdr_ip(X-Client-IP)
  timeout server 25s
  server comserver01 maxconn 10000 weight 10 cookie server1 check

# application server farm
backend bk_web
  balance roundrobin
  mode http
  log global
  option httplog
  option forwardfor
  cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
  default-server inter 30s rise 2 fall 3
  option httpchk HEAD /
  # get connected on the application server using the user ip
  # provided in the X-Client-IP header setup by ft_waf frontend
  source usesrc hdr_ip(X-Client-IP)
  timeout server 25s
  server webserver01 maxconn 10000 weight 10 cookie server1 check
  server webserver02 maxconn 10000 weight 10 cookie server2 check
  server webserver03 maxconn 10000 weight 10 cookie server2 check
  server webserver04 maxconn 10000 weight 10 cookie server2 check

http {
 include        /etc/nginx/naxsi_core.rules;
 include        mime.types;
 server_names_hash_bucket_size 128;

 sendfile        on;
 keepalive_timeout  65;
 tcp_nodelay        on;

 gzip  on;
 gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.(?!.*SV1)";

server {
 proxy_set_header Proxy-Connection "";
 access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log;

 location / {
   include    /etc/nginx/test.rules;
