Sun Blade X6270 M2 服务器模块的 RAID 配置

Sun Blade X6270 M2 服务器模块的 RAID 配置

Sun Blade X6270 M2 服务器模块有四个146GB 磁盘,但正在运行的 RHEL5-x64 OS 只找到一个 146GB 的磁盘。我猜这四个磁盘中有两个是 RAID 1 卷(即 OS 找到的那个);其余两个磁盘未使用。

我需要一个工具(至少)显示当前 RAID 配置并配置其他两个磁盘以创建新的 RAID 卷并使其可供操作系统使用


我尝试使用 ILOM-CMM,但找不到磁盘驱动器信息。



sas2ircu是一个安华高科技工具来获取该信息。无需安装 - 该工具是一个二进制文件(点击此处浏览其下载页面)。

# ./sas2ircu
LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility.
Version (2011.10.14) Copyright (c) 2009-2011
LSI Corporation. All rights reserved.

SAS2IRCU: No command specified.
  sas2ircu <controller #> <command> <parameters> ...
    where <controller #> is:
      Number between 0 and 255
    where <command> is:
      DISPLAY    - display controller, volume and physical device info
      LIST       - Lists all available LSI adapters (does not need ctlr #>
      CREATE     - create an IR volume
      DELETE     - Delete entire RAID configuration on the selected controller
      DELETEVOLUME  - Delete a specific RAID Volume on the selected controller
      HOTSPARE   - make drive a hot spare
      STATUS     - display current volume status info
      CONSTCHK   - Start Consistency Check operation on the specified IR Volume
      ACTIVATE   - Activate an Inactive IR volume
      LOCATE     - Locate a disk drive on an enclosure
      LOGIR      - Upload or Clear IR Log data
      BOOTIR     - Select an IR Boot Volume as primary boot device
      BOOTENCL   - Select an Enclosure/Bay as primary boot device
      HELP       - Display help information
    where <parameters> are:
      Command specific values; enter "sas2ircu <controller #> <command>"
      to get command specific help


# ./sas2ircu list
LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility.
Version (2011.10.14) 
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved. 

         Adapter      Vendor  Device                       SubSys  SubSys 
 Index    Type          ID      ID    Pci Address          Ven ID  Dev ID 
 -----  ------------  ------  ------  -----------------    ------  ------ 
   0       SAS2008     1000h    72h   00h:01h:00h:00h      1000h   3180h

一旦您知道控制器 ID,就可以使用地位命令获取有关 RAID 卷的信息:

# ./sas2ircu 0 status
LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility.
Version (2011.10.14) 
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Background command progress status for controller 0...
IR Volume 1
  Volume ID                               : 902
  Current operation                       : None
  Volume status                           : Enabled
  Volume state                            : Optimal
  Volume wwid                             : 0c73f86fdc7305cf
  Physical disk I/Os                      : Not quiesced
SAS2IRCU: Command STATUS Completed Successfully.
SAS2IRCU: Utility Completed Successfully.


# ./sas2ircu 0 display
LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility.
Version (2011.10.14) 
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Read configuration has been initiated for controller 0
Controller information
  Controller type                         : SAS2008
  BIOS version                            :
  Firmware version                        :
  Channel description                     : 1 Serial Attached SCSI
  Initiator ID                            : 0
  Maximum physical devices                : 831
  Concurrent commands supported           : 1775
  Slot                                    : 0
  Segment                                 : 0
  Bus                                     : 1
  Device                                  : 0
  Function                                : 0
  RAID Support                            : Yes
IR Volume information
IR volume 1
  Volume ID                               : 902
  Status of volume                        : Okay (OKY)
  Volume wwid                             : 0c73f86fdc7305cf
  RAID level                              : RAID1
  Size (in MB)                            : 139236
  Physical hard disks                     :
  PHY[0] Enclosure#/Slot#                 : 1:0
  PHY[1] Enclosure#/Slot#                 : 1:1
Physical device information
Initiator at ID #0

Device is a Hard disk
  Enclosure #                             : 1
  Slot #                                  : 0
  SAS Address                             : 5000cca-0-0ad9-9d21
  State                                   : Optimal (OPT)
  Size (in MB)/(in sectors)               : 140009/286739328
  Manufacturer                            : HITACHI 
  Model Number                            : H103014SCSUN146G
  Firmware Revision                       : A2A8
  Serial No                               : 001039FVP2DE
  GUID                                    : 5000cca00ad99d20
  Protocol                                : SAS
  Drive Type                              : SAS_HDD

Device is a Hard disk
  Enclosure #                             : 1
  Slot #                                  : 1
  SAS Address                             : 5000cca-0-0ad9-6fd5
  State                                   : Optimal (OPT)
  Size (in MB)/(in sectors)               : 140009/286739328
  Manufacturer                            : HITACHI 
  Model Number                            : H103014SCSUN146G
  Firmware Revision                       : A2A8
  Serial No                               : 001039FVL1WE
  GUID                                    : 5000cca00ad96fd4
  Protocol                                : SAS
  Drive Type                              : SAS_HDD

Device is a Hard disk
  Enclosure #                             : 1
  Slot #                                  : 2
  SAS Address                             : 5000cca-0-0ad7-ed1d
  State                                   : Hot Spare (HSP)
  Size (in MB)/(in sectors)               : 140009/286739328
  Manufacturer                            : HITACHI 
  Model Number                            : H103014SCSUN146G
  Firmware Revision                       : A2A8
  Serial No                               : 001039FUS9HE
  GUID                                    : 5000cca00ad7ed1c
  Protocol                                : SAS
  Drive Type                              : SAS_HDD

Device is a Hard disk
  Enclosure #                             : 1
  Slot #                                  : 3
  SAS Address                             : 5000cca-0-0ad8-59d9
  State                                   : Hot Spare (HSP)
  Size (in MB)/(in sectors)               : 140009/286739328
  Manufacturer                            : HITACHI 
  Model Number                            : H103014SCSUN146G
  Firmware Revision                       : A2A8
  Serial No                               : 001039FUZJZE
  GUID                                    : 5000cca00ad859d8
  Protocol                                : SAS
  Drive Type                              : SAS_HDD
Enclosure information
  Enclosure#                              : 1
  Logical ID                              : 500605b0:028cd7c0
  Numslots                                : 8
  StartSlot                               : 0
SAS2IRCU: Command DISPLAY Completed Successfully.
SAS2IRCU: Utility Completed Successfully.

在这里您可以看到内部 SAS 磁盘的 RAID 配置:2 个磁盘用于 RAID-1 卷,2 个磁盘用于热备援磁盘。

谢谢Pascal Kreyer 回答感谢他的帮助。
