Apache 2.4 rotatelogs 损坏

Apache 2.4 rotatelogs 损坏

我将服务器从 Debian 7 升级到了 Debian 8。结果,我遇到了 Apache 2.4.10 的多个问题:


CustomLog "|usr/sbin/rotatelogs -l ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/02120/%Y%m%d_02120.access.log 86400" combined

这在 Apache 2.2 上非常有效。现在升级到 Apache 2.4 后,我无法启动 Apache 2.4。我很快发现 rotatelogs 现在位于“/usr/bin/rotatelogs”。因此我将行更改为

CustomLog "|/usr/bin/rotatelogs -l ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/02180/%Y%m%d_02180.access.log 86400" combined

注意,我在开头还添加了斜线。瞧,Apache 2.4 重新启动,现在将日志放到定义的位置并进行记录。

现在灾难开始显现:同时,每次访问服务器时,我都会在主 Apache 2 错误日志文件中收到以下错误消息:

AH00106: piped log program 'usr/bin/rotatelogs -l /var/log/apache2/02180/%Y%m%d_02180.access.log 86400' failed unexpectedly
AH00106: piped log program 'usr/bin/rotatelogs -l /var/log/apache2/%Y%W_stifterdienst.access.log 604800' failed unexpectedly
AH00106: piped log program 'usr/bin/rotatelogs -l /var/log/apache2/%Y%W_stifterdienst.access.log 604800' failed unexpectedly
[core:error] [pid 5178] (2)No such file or directory: AH00088: exec of 'usr/bin/rotatelogs' failed
[core:error] [pid 5177] (2)No such file or directory: AH00088: exec of 'usr/bin/rotatelogs' failed
[core:error] [pid 5176] (2)No such file or directory: AH00088: exec of 'usr/bin/rotatelogs' failed

