Cisco 2960-S 上的“ip”命令中不存在“route”子命令

Cisco 2960-S 上的“ip”命令中不存在“route”子命令

我是思科的新手。我正在运行 Cisco 2960-S 并在其上定义了几个 VLAN。我喜欢使用 SVI 功能,为接口 VLAN 1 设置 IP 地址,为接口 VLAN 2 设置 等等,但我无法从设备本身 ping 192.168.X.254,但可以 ping,尽管我no shut在每个接口 VLAN 配置上都发出了命令。我需要 VLAN 之间的路由。我进行了搜索并找到了几个启用 VLAN 间路由的结果,例如此链接,但问题是命令route的子命令ip不存在:

my-net-dev(config)#ip ?
Global IP configuration subcommands:
  access-list           Named access-list
  accounting-list       Select hosts for which IP accounting information is kept
  accounting-threshold  Sets the maximum number of accounting entries
  accounting-transits   Sets the maximum number of transit entries
  address-pool          Specify default IP address pooling mechanism
  admission             Network Admission Control (NAC)
  alias                 Alias an IP address to a TCP port
  arp                   IP ARP global configuration
  auth-proxy            Authentication Proxy
  default-gateway       Specify default gateway (if not routing IP)
  device                Device tracking
  dhcp                  Configure DHCP server and relay parameters
  dhcp-client           Configure parameters for DHCP client operation
  dhcp-server           Specify address of DHCP server to use
  domain                IP DNS Resolver
  domain-list           Domain name to complete unqualified host names.
  domain-lookup         Enable IP Domain Name System hostname translation
  domain-name           Define the default domain name
  finger                finger server
  flow-aggregation      Configure flow aggregation
  flow-cache            Configure netflow cache parameters
  flow-capture          Capture additional netflow information
  flow-egress           Configure netflow egress
  flow-export           Specify host/port to send flow statistics
  flow-top-talkers      Configure netflow top talkers
  ftp                   FTP configuration commands
  gdp                   Router discovery mechanism
  gratuitous-arps       Generate gratuitous ARPs for PPP/SLIP peer addresses
  host                  Add an entry to the ip hostname table
  host-routing          Enable host-based routing (proxy ARP and redirect)
  hostname              Configure hostname types
  hp-host               Enable the HP proxy probe service
  http                  HTTP server configuration
  icmp                  ICMP options
  igmp                  IGMP global configuration
  local                 Specify local options
  name-server           Specify address of name server to use
  options               IP Options treatment
  port-map              Port to application mapping (PAM) configuration commands
  radius                RADIUS configuration commands
  rcmd                  Rcmd commands
  reflexive-list        Reflexive access list
  scp                   Scp commands
  security              Specify system wide security information
  source                IP source
  source-route          Process packets with source routing header options
  ssh                   Configure ssh options
  sticky-arp            Allow the creation of sticky ARP entries
  subnet-zero           Allow 'subnet zero' subnets
  tacacs                TACACS configuration commands
  tcp                   Global TCP parameters
  telnet                Specify telnet options
  tftp                  tftp configuration commands
  verify                URPF SNMP trap and IP packet header validation commands

它本身也no switchport无法工作,需要在其后面放置一些子命令:

my-net-dev(config-if)#no switchport 
% Incomplete command.

my-net-dev(config-if)#no switchport  ?
  access         Set access mode characteristics of the interface
  autostate      Include or exclude this port from vlan link up calculation
  block          Disable forwarding of unknown uni/multi cast addresses
  host           Set port host
  mode           Set trunking mode of the interface
  nonegotiate    Device will not engage in negotiation protocol on this interface
  port-security  Security related command 
  priority       Set appliance 802.1p priority
  protected      Configure an interface to be a protected port
  trunk          Set trunking characteristics of the interface
  voice          Voice appliance attributes

ROM 是 c2960s-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE8.bin


2960-S 是一款第 2 层交换机.如果需要 VLAN 之间的路由,则需要路由器。


这取决于软件功能Switch 有哪些可用选项。​​eral/switches/catalyst-2960-s-series-switches/data_sheet_c78-726680.html


Cisco Catalyst 2960-S 系列交换机配备 LAN Base 和 LAN Lite 功能集。LAN Lite 型号提供较低的功能和可扩展性,适合具有基本要求的小型部署。

请注意,每个交换机型号都与特定的功能级别相关;LAN Lite 型号不能升级到 LAN Base 功能集。

本文根据特点解释了各种切换功能。Cisco IOS 软件许可证:第 2 层和第 3 层交换的含义 - 第 1 部分

用于交换的四种常见 Cisco IOS 软件功能许可证是:

  • LAN Lite:企业入门级第 2 层交换
  • LAN 基础:企业接入第 2 层交换
  • IP 基础:企业接入第 3 层交换
  • IP 服务:高级第 3 层交换

