查看我们的组策略设置(见下文),我认为这与密码最短使用期限。 我有密码最短使用期限设置为 90 天,因此被迫更改密码的用户无法立即将更改恢复为旧密码。但是,如果用户无法在规定时间内将密码更改为永久密码,我该如何处理重置用户密码的过程?密码最短使用期限时期?
C:\>net accounts
Force user logoff how long after time expirest?: Never
Minimum password age (days): 90
Maximum password age (days): 365
Minimum password length: 7
Length of password history maintained: 4
Lockout threshold: 5
Lockout duration (minutes): 10
Lockout observation windows (minutes): 5
Computer role: WORKSTATION
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