我们在 Nagios 环境中使用 SNMPTT。我的 MIB 适用于所有事件,但 1. 我不知道发生了什么。
当陷阱进入时,我希望它执行一个文件,然后处理通知和 Nagios 警报。
以下是 MIB 的部分内容:
EVENT lgpEventConditionEntryAdded . "Status Events" CRITICAL
FORMAT LIEBERT CUSTOM TRAP lgpEventConditionEntryAdded
EXEC /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pob_translate_liebert_trap.sh $r $s $2
The device is reporting an alarm.
文件只是进行额外的电子邮件调试,然后将其发送到 Nagios。这里没什么可看的。
这是 snmptt.debug 日志中出现匹配陷阱时的结果.
Processing file: #snmptt-trap-1468519738245030
Reading trap. Current time: Thu Jul 14 14:32:38 2016
Raw trap passed from snmptrapd:
UDP: [10.redacted]:65534->[170.redacted]
. 70:4:13:32.08
. .
. 12
. .
. 70:4:13:32.05
. 10.redacted
. "public"
. .
Items passed from snmptrapd:
value 0: 10.redacted
value 1: 10.redacted
value 2: .
value 3: 70:4:13:32.08
value 4: .
value 5: .
value 6: .
value 7: 12
value 8: .
value 9: .
value 10: .
value 11: 70:4:13:32.05
value 12: .
value 13: 10.redacted
value 14: .
value 15: public
value 16: .
value 17: .
Host IP address (10.redacted) could not be resolved by DNS. Variable $r / $R etc will use the IP address
Agent IP address (10.redacted) is the same as the host IP, so copying the host name: 10.redacted
Trap received from 10.redacted: .
0: hostname
1: ip address
2: uptime
3: trapname / OID
4: ip address from trap agent
5: trap community string
6: enterprise
7: securityEngineID (snmptthandler-embedded required)
8: securityName (snmptthandler-embedded required)
9: contextEngineID (snmptthandler-embedded required)
10: contextName (snmptthandler-embedded required)
0+: passed variables
Value 0: 10.redacted
Value 1: 10.redacted
Value 2: 70:4:13:32.08
Value 3: .
Value 4: 10.redacted
Value 5: public
Value 6: .
Value 7:
Value 8:
Value 9:
Value 10:
Agent dns name: 10.redacted
Ent Value 0 ($1): .
Ent Value 1 ($2): .
Ent Value 2 ($3): .
Exact match of trap found in EVENT hash table
Working with EVENT entry: . => lgpEventConditionEntryAdded,Status Events,CRITICAL,
No nodes defined for this entry so all nodes will match
No MATCH entries defined for this entry
Trap defined, processing...
PREEXEC line(s):
FORMAT line:
Variable . with value 70:4:13:32.05
Variable . with value .
Variable . with value 12
LIEBERT CUSTOM TRAP lgpEventConditionEntryAdded
. CRITICAL "Status Events" 10.redacted - LIEBERT CUSTOM TRAP lgpEventConditionEntryAdded
EXEC line(s):
Variable . with value 70:4:13:32.05
Variable . with value .
Variable . with value 12
EXEC command:/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pob_translate_liebert_trap.sh 10.redacted CRITICAL .
并运行此命令:/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pob_translate_liebert_trap.sh 10.redacted CRITICAL .
有没有关于 snmptt 翻译时此脚本无法运行的原因?看起来是应该正在运行
这是一个错误。取决于 trap|oids 文本中的符号。