2010 Exchange 服务器下班后自动回复

2010 Exchange 服务器下班后自动回复

我有一个客户,他有一台自托管的 2010 Exchange Server。他们希望自动回复功能仅在下午 5:00 到早上 8:00 之间自动开启。在这几个小时内,他们不希望设备上出现任何新邮件通知,但仍希望能够查看电子邮件。

是否可以配置 Exchange 来执行上述任何操作,或者是否有一些软件可以立即执行此操作?或者我需要开发自定义解决方案吗?


开箱即用,不是,但您可以使用 EWS 轻松进行编码。

使用 C# 为一个邮箱设置外出信息的示例;

static void SetOOF(ExchangeService service)
    OofSettings myOOF = new OofSettings();

    // Set the OOF status to be a scheduled time period.
    myOOF.State = OofState.Scheduled;

    // Select the time period to be OOF.
    myOOF.Duration = new TimeWindow(DateTime.Now.AddDays(4), DateTime.Now.AddDays(5));

    // Select the external audience that will receive OOF messages.
    myOOF.ExternalAudience = OofExternalAudience.All;

    // Set the OOF message for your internal audience.
    myOOF.InternalReply = new OofReply("I'm currently out of office. Please contact my manager for critical issues. Thanks!");

    // Set the OOF message for your external audience.
    myOOF.ExternalReply = new OofReply("I am currently out of the office but will reply to emails when I return. Thanks!");

    // Set the selected values. This method will result in a call to the Exchange server.
    service.SetUserOofSettings("[email protected]", myOOF);


如果您不会编码,您也可以使用 curl 发送一些 XML。如下所示:使用 EWS 进行快速且简单的 UNIX Shell 脚本编写

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/messages" xmlns:t="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/types" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <t:RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2010_SP1" />
          <t:Address>[email protected]</t:Address>
          <t:InternalReply xml:lang="en-US">
            <t:Message>I'm currently out of office. Please contact my manager for critical issues. Thanks!</t:Message>
          <t:ExternalReply xml:lang="en-US">
            <t:Message>I am currently out of the office but will reply to emails when I return. Thanks!</t:Message>


另一方面,设备通知是另一回事,是设备本身发出推送通知,而不是 Exchange。对于这部分,我无能为力。
