使用 SSL 时 Apache2 重启缓慢

使用 SSL 时 Apache2 重启缓慢

我们运行 apache2 服务器,该服务器有多个站点(每个站点都有自己的域或子域),使用 SSL(同一 IP 上也有多个证书,但子域大多使用星号证书)。现在我们遇到一个问题,当每台服务器有超过 20-30 个独立站点时,重新启动需要 20 秒以上。

日志没有显示任何内容,我不确定如何找出重新启动需要这么长时间的原因。这可能是有关联的 - 运行apache2ctl -S也需要大致相同的时间(当我一次又一次地运行重新启动或一次又一次地运行 -S 时,它很快 <1s,如果我等一分钟左右,它又会变慢)。


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其中一台服务器突然开始像我预期的那样快速运行。不确定为什么会发生这种情况,因为我无法确定具体发生的时间。我比较了 Apache 配置,它们在所有服务器上几乎完全相同,但现在一台服务器重新启动很快,其他两台仍然很慢(>2 分钟)。

现在,就在最近对其他问题进行故障排除时,我看到一些关于 IPv6 设置减慢某些证书颁发速度等的评论。我已经测试了 IPv6 连接,我发现的唯一差异是,在一台快速服务器上尝试这个:

wget -6 https://google.com/


--2017-06-09 07:49:32-- https://google.com/ Resolving google.com (google.com)... 2a00:1450:4009:809::200e Connecting to google.com (google.com)|2a00:1450:4009:809::200e|:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: https://ipv6.google.com/sorry/index?continue=https://google.com/&q=EhAqAX4AAAAAAPA8kf_-iVh9GIym6ckFIhkA8aeDS9iurm4ysYfhKSPR5hfHhPY5mBEsMgNyY24 [following] --2017-06-09 07:49:33-- https://ipv6.google.com/sorry/index?continue=https://google.com/&q=EhAqAX4AAAAAAPA8kf_-iVh9GIym6ckFIhkA8aeDS9iurm4ysYfhKSPR5hfHhPY5mBEsMgNyY24 Resolving ipv6.google.com (ipv6.google.com)... 2a00:1450:401b:802::200e Connecting to ipv6.google.com (ipv6.google.com)|2a00:1450:401b:802::200e|:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 503 Service Unavailable 2017-06-09 07:49:33 ERROR 503: Service Unavailable.


--2017-06-09 07:50:37--  https://google.com/
Resolving google.com (google.com)... 2404:6800:4003:802::200e
Connecting to google.com (google.com)|2404:6800:4003:802::200e|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: https://www.google.com/ [following]
--2017-06-09 07:50:37--  https://www.google.com/
Resolving www.google.com (www.google.com)... 2404:6800:4001:80b::2004
Connecting to www.google.com (www.google.com)|2404:6800:4001:80b::2004|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: 'index.html'
[ <=>    ] 10,382      --.-K/s   in 0.001s

2017-06-09 07:50:37 (18.4 MB/s) - 'index.html' saved [10382]

换句话说,ipv6 似乎存在一些问题,可能会导致尝试重新启动 apache 时超时?

我还发现了以下问题 - 它的关闭需要很长时间。如果我关闭 Apache,然后尝试启动它,启动速度会很快。


密码已优化(所有网站在 SSL 测试中均获得 A)。流量不是很大。以下是 2 分钟重启前的服务器状态转储:

Apache Server Status for s3.example.com (via

Server Version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.21 OpenSSL/1.0.1f
Server MPM: prefork
Server Built: May 9 2017 16:14:10

Current Time: Friday, 09-Jun-2017 08:05:46 UTC
Restart Time: Friday, 09-Jun-2017 07:57:35 UTC
Parent Server Config. Generation: 1
Parent Server MPM Generation: 0
Server uptime: 8 minutes 10 seconds
Server load: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total accesses: 15 - Total Traffic: 23 kB
CPU Usage: u0 s0 cu0 cs0
.0306 requests/sec - 48 B/second - 1570 B/request
1 requests currently being processed, 7 idle workers


Scoreboard Key:
"_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request,
"W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup,
"C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing,
"I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process

Srv PID Acc M   CPU     SS  Req Conn    Child   Slot    Client  VHost   Request
0-0 11047   0/2/2   _   0.00    456 0   0.0 0.00    0.00    s3.example.com:80   NULL
2-0 11049   0/3/3   _   0.00    219 0   0.0 0.00    0.00   s3.example.com:80   GET /server-status?auto HTTP/1.1
4-0 11051   0/7/7   W   0.00    0   0   0.0 0.01    0.01    s3.example.com:443  GET /server-status HTTP/1.1
6-0 11166   0/2/2   _   0.00    35  0   0.0 0.00    0.00   s3.example.com:443  \x16\x03\x01
7-0 11167   0/1/1   _   0.00    333 1   0.0 0.00    0.00    s3.example.com:443  NULL
Srv Child Server number - generation
PID OS process ID
Acc Number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot
M   Mode of operation
CPU CPU usage, number of seconds
SS  Seconds since beginning of most recent request
Req Milliseconds required to process most recent request
Conn    Kilobytes transferred this connection
Child   Megabytes transferred this child
Slot    Total megabytes transferred this slot
SSL/TLS Session Cache Status:
cache type: SHMCB, shared memory: 512000 bytes, current entries: 0
subcaches: 32, indexes per subcache: 88
index usage: 0%, cache usage: 0%
total entries stored since starting: 0
total entries replaced since starting: 0
total entries expired since starting: 0
total (pre-expiry) entries scrolled out of the cache: 0
total retrieves since starting: 0 hit, 1 miss
total removes since starting: 0 hit, 0 miss
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at s3.example.com Port 443



重新启动 httpd 时使用 strace:http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/strace.1.html



IPv4/IPv6 线索让我想起了Bug 459756 - DNS 解析器库似乎无法可靠运行

(还有 RH 知识库 DOC-58626,我无权访问)

简而言之,RHEL6(以及 Fedora、Centos、Arch)正在执行并行 IPv6 和 IPv4 DNS 解析,结果不可预测,因为 IPv6 部署有时不太可靠。


  • 添加“选项单一请求重新打开”到/etc/resolv.conf。这将强制 A 和 AAAA 请求共享一个套接字。 resolv.conf 手册页在这里
  • 运行本地缓存名称服务器,如 [nscd](或 dnsmasq,不包括) 3


其他人建议使用 strace,但是考虑到您的问题,并没有填写最有用的参数来启动它,或者没有提供一个更好的框架来使用您的 shell 历史记录一遍又一遍地重新调用它......这是一个相当常见的用例。;)


我总是用类似这样的方法进行 strace(此示例针对名为“httpd”的守护进程,请根据需要进行调整):

daemon="httpd"; rm /tmp/strace.* ; service $daemon restart ; (strace -v -a 40 -f -ff -tt -yy -s 128000 -o /tmp/strace -p "`pidof $daemon`" & ) && sleep 1 && service $daemon restart

然后,cd 到 /tmp/。你可能有大量的“strace.*”文件,但你实际上可能只对最近接触的文件感兴趣。因此,

ls -latr /tmp/

