什么可能导致 YaST2 GUI 不出现在 OpenSUSE Leap 服务器上

什么可能导致 YaST2 GUI 不出现在 OpenSUSE Leap 服务器上

我通过 SSH 和 X-forwarding 连接到 OpenSUSE Leap 42.2。除了以下情况外,系统完全处于全新状态(“服务器”选项)

  1. sshd 已启用
  2. 安装kde-cli-tools-5以获得kdesu
  3. 安装dolphinkonsole

我能够使用 kdesu启动konsole和之类的应用程序,但是,当我运行 时,在出现的提示中输入密码后,没有出现 YaST 窗口。我的命令执行后控制台中没有任何内容出现,日志如下:dolphinkdesu yast2

sudo cat /var/log/YaST2/

Stage [1]: YaST2 startup level (1)...
Stage [1]: ==========================
        |-- declare -x BOOT_IMAGE="/multiboot/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64/linux"
        |-- declare -x Cmdline="ramdisk_blocksize=4096 isofrom=/dev/disk/by-label/MULTIBOOT:/multiboot/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64.iso isofrom_device=/dev/disk/by-label/MULTIBOOT isofrom_system=/multiboot/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64.iso loader=syslinux"
        |-- declare -x EFI="0"
        |-- declare -x EGL_LOG_LEVEL="fatal"
        |-- declare -x ESCDELAY="10"
        |-- declare -x HOME="/"
        |-- declare -x InitrdID="2016-11-09.27c0ed7f"
        |-- declare -x InitrdModules="scsi_mod scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc scsi_dh_rdac thermal libata libahci ahci mmc_core sd_mod cdrom sr_mod usb-common usbcore usbhid iscsi_boot_sysfs st sg"
        |-- declare -x Insecure="0"
        |-- declare -x InstsysID="2016-11-09.27c0ed7f"
        |-- declare -x Keyboard="1"
        |-- declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=":/y2update/lib64:/y2update/lib:/y2update/plugin"
        |-- declare -x LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT="1"
        |-- declare -x Locale="en_US"
        |-- declare -x Manual="0"
        |-- declare -x MemFree="16237340"
        |-- declare -x OLDPWD
        |-- declare -x PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11/bin:/lbin"
        |-- declare -x PWD="/"
        |-- declare -x RepoURL="<RepoURL (may contain sensitive information)>"
        |-- declare -x SHLVL="4"
        |-- declare -x SSHD="0"
        |-- declare -x SelfUpdate="1"
        |-- declare -x Sourcemounted="0"
        |-- declare -x StartShell="0"
        |-- declare -x TERM="linux"
        |-- declare -x Textmode="0"
        |-- declare -x UpdateDir="/linux/suse/x86_64-leap42.2"
        |-- declare -x UseSSH="0"
        |-- declare -x VNC="0"
        |-- declare -x WithFCoE="0"
        |-- declare -x WithiSCSI="0"
        |-- declare -x XCURSOR_THEME="DMZ"
        |-- declare -x Y2GDB="0"
        |-- declare -x YAST2_SSH="false"
        |-- declare -x YAST_DEBUG="/debug/yast.debug"
        |-- declare -x YaST2update="0"
        |-- declare -x ZyppRepoURL="<ZyppRepoURL (may contain sensitive information)>"
        |-- declare -x initrd="/multiboot/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64/initrd"
        |-- declare -x isofrom="/dev/disk/by-label/MULTIBOOT:/multiboot/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64.iso"
        |-- declare -x isofrom_device="/dev/disk/by-label/MULTIBOOT"
        |-- declare -x isofrom_system="/multiboot/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64/openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64.iso"
        |-- declare -x kexec_reboot="1"
        |-- declare -x loader="syslinux"
        |-- declare -x ramdisk_blocksize="4096"
        |-- declare -x ramdisk_size="512000"
        |-- Creating hook script list: preFirstStage...
        |-- Level 1 stages:
        |-- F02-hwinfo
        |-- F03-umount
        |-- F04-language
        |-- F05-cmdline
        |-- F06-terminal
        |-- F08-logging
        |-- F09-start
        |-- F10-cleanup
Stage [1]: Starting F02-hwinfo...
Stage [1]: ======================
        |-- Hardware detection for arch: x86_64
Stage [1]: Starting F03-umount...
Stage [1]: ======================
        |-- Trying to umount inst-sys exits with code: 32
Stage [1]: Starting F04-language...
Stage [1]: ========================
        |-- Language set to: en_US.UTF-8
        |-- Starting UTF-8 mode...
Stage [1]: Starting F05-cmdline...
Stage [1]: =======================
Stage [1]: Starting F06-terminal...
Stage [1]: ========================
        |-- Setup virtual console:
        |-- Lines: 67
        |-- Columns: 240
        |-- Type: linux
Stage [1]: Starting F08-logging...
Stage [1]: =======================
        |-- Set YaST2 LOG parameters:
        |-- Maximum log size: 5225153 kB
        |-- Maximum log count: 5
Stage [1]: Starting F09-start...
Stage [1]: =====================
        |-- Creating hook script list: preFirstCall...
        |-- Delegate program call to YaST2.call installation initial
Stage [call]: Starting prequalification checks...
Stage [call]: ===================================
        |-- Copying /etc/X11/xorg.conf.template to /etc/X11/xorg.conf
        |-- No SSH daemon running -> Medium SSH disabled
Stage [call]: Evaluate medium selection...
Stage [call]: ============================
Stage [call]: Check selected medium...
Stage [call]: ========================
        |-- Wished medium is: QT
        |-- Selected medium is: QT
        |-- X-Server is ready: 3781
        |-- Allow big memory allocation: overcommit_memory=1
        |-- Starting YaST2:
        |-- MODULE_NAME: installation
        |-- MODE_FLAGS:
        |-- MODULE_ARGS: ("initial")
        |-- MODE: qt
        |-- UI_ARGS: --noborder --auto-fonts --fullscreen
        |-- QT_IM_MODULE: xim

sudo tail /var/log/YaST2/y2log

2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(RedirectToLog):574 isatty(stdout)yes
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(init):284 have color = 1
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(init):309 screen size 22 x 80
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ncurses] NCstyle.cc(NCstyle):315 Init xterm using color => 4 styles in xterm
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(SetTitle):476 Draw title called
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ncurses] NCurses.cc(init):321 NCurses ready
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <2> roku(3277) [ui-shortcuts] YShortcutManager.cc(checkShortcuts):85 Not enough widgets with valid shortcut characters - no check
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ui] YPushButton.cc(setRole):170 Guessing function key F1 for YPushButton "Help" at 0x7f3760005b60 from button role YHelpButton
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <3> roku(3277) [libycp] clients/menu.rb:212 Unknown option `defaultButton in PushButton widget
2016-12-27 15:36:47 <1> roku(3277) [ui] YPushButton.cc(setRole):170 Guessing function key F9 for YPushButton "Quit" at 0x7f37600063f0 from button role YCancelButton

什么原因导致出现任何 GUI 的静默故障?是否还有其他需要安装的软件包,或者可以检查其他日志?


为什么要通过 SSH 连接使用 YaST GUI?yast当在命令行中调用而不使用 x-forwarding 时,将使用 ncurses 在终端窗口中绘制一个界面。它对调整大小等非常友好。

它具有 GUI 的所有功能,并且组织方式相同。
