无法在代理下更新 arch linux

无法在代理下更新 arch linux

sudo pacman -Syu无法在代理网络下使用更新 pacman 。我尝试使用导出环境变量

export http_proxy='http://uem:[email protected]:3128/'



sudo -E pacman -Syu

但它返回error 407并且error: failed to synchronize any databases


我无法重复你的问题。sudo -E pacman -Syu适合export http_proxy我。


使用curl 或wget 进行测试。

如果您可以使其中之一起作用,请更新 pacman.conf:

XferCommand = /路径/到/命令 %u

     If set, an external program will be used to download all remote
     files. All instances of %u will be replaced with the download URL.
     If present, instances of %o will be replaced with the local
     filename, plus a “.part” extension, which allows programs like wget
     to do file resumes properly.

     This option is useful for users who experience problems with
     built-in HTTP/FTP support, or need the more advanced proxy support
     that comes with utilities like wget.
