P840/4gb fbwc 上的 SSD RAID 10 写入性能问题

P840/4gb fbwc 上的 SSD RAID 10 写入性能问题

我有一个新的系统,其中有 4x512GB Samsung SSD 850,采用 P840/4gb fbwc RAID 控制器组成 RAID10 阵列。当我从网络 (10 Gbit/s) 下载文件时,写入速度不是很好。我尝试使用 wget 下载单个 1000MB 文件:

Saving to: ‘1000mb.bin’

1000mb.bin                                       100%[=========================================================================================================>]   1000M   383MB/s   in 2.6s

写入速度 383Mbyte/s

编辑:当将同一个文件下载到 /dev/null 时,我获得了 10Gbit/s 的速度。用例是下载和存储该大小的文件。

另外,当我尝试使用 dd 写入文件时,速度与块大小 512 字节相同:

dd if=/dev/zero of=bench.bin bs=512 count=10000K
10240000+0 records in
10240000+0 records out
5242880000 bytes (5.2 GB) copied, 14.6632 s, 358 MB/s

但是块大小 4k 可以提供更好的性能:

dd if=/dev/zero of=bench.bin bs=4k count=1000K
1024000+0 records in
1024000+0 records out
4194304000 bytes (4.2 GB) copied, 3.02447 s, 1.4 GB/s

因此,我尝试了有关 RAID 控制器的缓存、SSD 智能路径等各种不同设置。但我没有看到太大差异。有什么方法可以提高写入速度吗?


Smart Array P840 in Slot 1
   Bus Interface: PCI
   Slot: 1
   Serial Number: 
   Cache Serial Number: 
   RAID 6 (ADG) Status: Enabled
   Controller Status: OK
   Hardware Revision: B
   Firmware Version: 4.52
   Rebuild Priority: High
   Expand Priority: Medium
   Surface Scan Delay: 3 secs
   Surface Scan Mode: Idle
   Parallel Surface Scan Supported: Yes
   Current Parallel Surface Scan Count: 1
   Max Parallel Surface Scan Count: 16
   Queue Depth: Automatic
   Monitor and Performance Delay: 60  min
   Elevator Sort: Enabled
   Degraded Performance Optimization: Disabled
   Inconsistency Repair Policy: Disabled
   Wait for Cache Room: Disabled
   Surface Analysis Inconsistency Notification: Disabled
   Post Prompt Timeout: 15 secs
   Cache Board Present: True
   Cache Status: OK
   Cache Ratio: 10% Read / 90% Write
   Drive Write Cache: Disabled
   Total Cache Size: 4.0 GB
   Total Cache Memory Available: 3.8 GB
   No-Battery Write Cache: Disabled
   SSD Caching RAID5 WriteBack Enabled: True
   SSD Caching Version: 2
   Cache Backup Power Source: Batteries
   Battery/Capacitor Count: 1
   Battery/Capacitor Status: OK
   SATA NCQ Supported: True
   Spare Activation Mode: Activate on physical drive failure (default)
   Controller Temperature (C): 44
   Cache Module Temperature (C): 37
   Number of Ports: 2 Internal only
   Encryption: Disabled
   Express Local Encryption: False
   Driver Name: hpsa
   Driver Version: 3.4.4
   Driver Supports HP SSD Smart Path: True
   PCI Address (Domain:Bus:Device.Function): 0000:06:00.0
   Negotiated PCIe Data Rate: PCIe 3.0 x8 (7880 MB/s)
   Controller Mode: RAID
   Controller Mode Reboot: Not Required
   Latency Scheduler Setting: Disabled
   Current Power Mode: MaxPerformance
   Host Serial Number: 
   Sanitize Erase Supported: False
   Primary Boot Volume: logicaldrive 1 
   Secondary Boot Volume: logicaldrive 2

Physical Drives
      physicaldrive 2I:1:1 (port 2I:box 1:bay 1, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
      physicaldrive 2I:1:2 (port 2I:box 1:bay 2, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
      physicaldrive 2I:1:3 (port 2I:box 1:bay 3, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
      physicaldrive 2I:1:4 (port 2I:box 1:bay 4, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
      None attached

   Array: A
      Interface Type: Solid State SATA
      Unused Space: 0  MB (0.0%)
      Used Space: 1.9 TB (100.0%)
      Status: OK
      MultiDomain Status: OK
      Array Type: Data
      HP SSD Smart Path: disable

      Logical Drive: 1
         Size: 953.8 GB
         Fault Tolerance: 1+0
         Heads: 255
         Sectors Per Track: 32
         Cylinders: 65535
         Strip Size: 256 KB
         Full Stripe Size: 512 KB
         Status: OK
         MultiDomain Status: OK
         Caching:  Enabled
         Unique Identifier: 
         Disk Name: /dev/sda
         Mount Points: /boot 487 MB Partition Number 2, / 14.0 GB Partition Number 7
         OS Status: LOCKED
         Logical Drive Label: 
         Mirror Group 1:
            physicaldrive 2I:1:1 (port 2I:box 1:bay 1, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
            physicaldrive 2I:1:2 (port 2I:box 1:bay 2, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
         Mirror Group 2:
            physicaldrive 2I:1:3 (port 2I:box 1:bay 3, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
            physicaldrive 2I:1:4 (port 2I:box 1:bay 4, Solid State SATA, 512.1 GB, OK)
         Drive Type: Data
         LD Acceleration Method: Controller Cache


更新:我们通过从 ext4 切换到 xfs 实现了性能提升。感谢所有回答的人。


我建议将磁盘的 TagQue 增加到 256+。无论如何,应该明白 /dev/null 不需要中断,而 SmartArray 的物理 IO 需要中断。在您的示例中,512B 块大小的 380MB/s 生成 778,240 IOps。SA840 在基准配置 (24xSSD RAID0) 中可以提供大约 1M IO/s。概括地说:如果使用小块,则不应期望高吞吐量 - 更改工具/设置以确保使用 128kB+ 块,在单个 SA840 上实现高达 5GB/s 的性能。
