Windows Server 2016 中的计划任务,由非管理员用户运行

Windows Server 2016 中的计划任务,由非管理员用户运行

在早期的 Windows Server 版本(2016 年之前)中,可以通过以下步骤授予非管理员用户运行计划任务的权限:

  1. 计划任务:系统下运行,执行脚本
  2. 授予用户对 C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ 下特定任务的读取和执行权限

现在在服务器 2016 中,这不再起作用。你知道该怎么做吗?


相关帖子没有得到答复,也没有帮助:允许非管理员用户在 Windows Server 2016 中运行计划任务


深入研究该主题一段时间并尝试一些建议后,我想出了这个脚本,它需要来自 Microsoft 的 PsTools/SysInternals 的 PsExec 工具:

$task = "Test-Script"

$secdesc = new-object Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper 
$regkeys = Get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree"
foreach ($key in $regkeys) {
    if ($key.PSChildName -eq $task) {
        $t = Get-ItemProperty $($"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","HKLM:")
        $sddl = $secdesc.BinarySDToSDDL( $t.SD ) 
        $newSDDL = $sddl['SDDL'] +  '(A;ID;0x1301bf;;;AU)'
        $binSDDL = $secdesc.SDDLToBinarySD( $newSDDL )
        [string]$binSDDLStr =  $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($binSDDL['BinarySD'])).replace('-','') 
        "reg add ""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\{0}"" /f /v SD /t REG_BINARY /d {1}" -f $key.PSChildName, $binSDDLStr | out-file -Encoding ascii $PWD\temp_setreg.bat
        start-sleep 2
        .\PsExec.exe -accepteula -nobanner -s "$PWD\temp_setreg.bat"

背景:显然,自 Windows 10(以及相应的 Windows Server 2016+)以来,安全设置不再从任务路径(C:\Windows\system32\Tasks)使用,而是存储在注册表中:

我发现使用注册表值的脚本。它创建一个以 SYSTEM 身份运行的任务,以便您能够编辑权限(因为管理员也只有只读权限)。
我已编辑此脚本以缩短它,并使用 PsExec 以 SYSTEM 用户身份编辑注册表权限。

来自脚本作者:(A;ID;0x1301bf;;;AU)表示添加Authenticated Users权限read and execute
您可以使用 Windows 资源管理器的安全选项卡创建自己的权限条目,然后使用以下命令从 SDDL 格式的命令行读取它:如果它不是当前目录,则将其Cacls . /S



This Powershell script updates the security descriptor for scheduled tasks so that any user can run the task. 

Version 1.0 of this script only displays tasks in the root folder. I want to make sure that works first. 

Earlier versions of Windows apparently used file permissions on C:\Windows\System32\Tasks files to manage security.
Windows now uses the SD value on tasks under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree to accomplish that. 

By default, this script will display the SDDL on all tasks. If a taskname is passed as a parameter, this script will grant Authenticated users read and execute permissions to the task. 

This script accepts 1 parameters.
-taskname   The name of a scheduled task. 

./UnlockScheduledTask.ps1 -taskname "My task"  

Author: Dave K. aka MotoX80 on the MS Technet forums. (I do not profess to be an expert in anything. I do claim to be dangerous with everything.)



param (
    [string]$taskname = ""   

 'UnlockScheduledTask.ps1  Version 1.0'
 if ($taskname -eq '') {
    'No task name specified.'
    'SDDL for all tasks will be displayed.'
 } else {
    $batFile = "$env:TEMP\Set-A-Task-Free.bat"           # if you don't like my names, you can change them here. 
    $updateTaskName = 'Set-A-Task-Free'
    "SDDL for $taskname will be updated via $batfile"
 $wmisdh = new-object Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper 
 $subkeys = Get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree"
 foreach ($key in $subkeys) {
    if ($taskname -eq '') {              # if blank, show SDDL for all tasks 
        $task = Get-ItemProperty $($"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","HKLM:")
        $sddl = $wmisdh.BinarySDToSDDL( $task.SD ) 
    } else {
        if ($key.PSChildName -eq $taskname) {
            $task = Get-ItemProperty $($"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","HKLM:")
            $sddl = $wmisdh.BinarySDToSDDL( $task.SD ) 
            'New SDDL'
            $newSD = $sddl['SDDL'] +  '(A;ID;0x1301bf;;;AU)'          # add authenticated users read and execute
            $newSD                                                    # Note: cacls /s will display the SDDL for a file. 
            $newBin = $wmisdh.SDDLToBinarySD( $newsd )
            [string]$newBinStr =  $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($newBin['BinarySD'])).replace('-','') 
            # Administrators only have read permissions to the registry vlaue that needs to be updated.
            # We will create a bat file with a reg.exe command to set the new SD.
            # The bat file will be invoked by a scheduled task that runs as the system account.
            # The bat file can also be reused if the task is deployed to other machines. 
            "reg add ""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\{0}"" /f /v SD /t REG_BINARY /d {1}" -f $key.PSChildName, $newBinStr
            "reg add ""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\{0}"" /f /v SD /t REG_BINARY /d {1}" -f $key.PSChildName, $newBinStr  | out-file -Encoding ascii $batfile  

            SCHTASKS /Create /f /tn "$updateTaskName" /sc onstart  /tr "cmd.exe /c $batfile" /ru system 
            SCHTASKS /run /tn "$updateTaskName"
            $count = 0
            while ($count -lt 5) {
                start-sleep 5
                $(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $updateTaskName).State
                if ($(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $updateTaskName).State -eq 'Ready') {
                    $count = 99            # it's ok to procees
            if ($count -ne 99) {
                "Error! The $updateTaskName task is still running. "
                'It should have ended by now.'
                'Please investigate.'
            SCHTASKS /delete /f /tn "$updateTaskName"
            'Security has been updated. Test it.'
