PowerShell 列出递归文件夹中的日志文件,然后每月使用 7zip 在其目录中创建 zip 文件

PowerShell 列出递归文件夹中的日志文件,然后每月使用 7zip 在其目录中创建 zip 文件

我正在尝试创建脚本来列出日志,然后每月压缩它并将其放在同一目录中。我们在 C:\TestLogs\ 示例脚本中有许多日志子文件夹,我有

# set folder path
  $log_path = "C:\TestLogs\"
  $7zip_path = "C:\7z\7za.exe"

  # set min age of files
  $max_days = "-30"

  # get the current date
  $curr_date = Get-Date

  # determine how far back we go based on current date
  $zip_date = $curr_date.AddDays($max_days)

  # filter files
  Get-ChildItem $log_path -Recurse   | Where-Object { ($_.LastWriteTime -lt 
  $zip_date) -and ($_.psIsContainer -eq $false)} |

   ForEach {
  $Zip =  $log_path + "{0:MMM}_{0:yyyy}.zip" -f $_.LastWriteTime
  & $7zip_path u -tzip $Zip $_.FullName |Out-Null

结果是它仅在 C:\TestLogs\ 中创建 Mar_2018.zip 等,如何在子文件夹内创建 zip,如 C:\TestLogs\logbakcup\Mar_2018.zip 或 C:\TestLogs\Runtime log\April_2017.zip 或 C:\TestLogs\logbackup\January\January_2017.zip


我不太了解 7zip 实用程序的语法,但您可以尝试使用本机 powershell 命令 Compress-Archive。如下所示:

#set folder path
$log_path = "C:\TestLogs\"
$7zip_path = "C:\7z\7za.exe"

#set min age of files
$max_days = "-30"

#get the current date
$curr_date = Get-Date

#determine how far back we go based on current date
$zip_date = $curr_date.AddDays($max_days)

#filter files
[array]$folders = Get-ChildItem $log_path | Where-Object { ($_.LastWriteTime -lt $zip_date) -and ($_.psIsContainer -eq $false)}

ForEach  ($subfolder in $folders) {
    $subfolderLastWriteTime = Get-Date $subfolder.LastWriteTime -Format 'dd.MM.yyyy'
    $DestPath = $subfolder.Fullname + '\' + $subfolderLastWriteTime
    Compress-Archive -Path $subfolder.FullName -DestinationPath "$DestPath.zip"
