needrestart 不断重新启动一些失败的服务

needrestart 不断重新启动一些失败的服务


1 月 16 日 06:01:02 examplehost systemd[1]: xrdp-sesman.service: 设备进入故障状态。



root@examplehost ~ % needrestart 
Scanning processes...                                                                                     
Scanning candidates...                                                                                    
Scanning processor microcode...                                                                           
Scanning linux images...                                                                                  

Running kernel seems to be up-to-date.

The processor microcode seems to be up-to-date.

Restarting services...
 systemctl restart xrdp.service

Service restarts being deferred:
 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
 systemctl restart systemd-journald.service
 systemctl restart systemd-logind.service

No containers need to be restarted.

User sessions running outdated binaries:
 root @ session #1: login[743]
 root @ session #626: sshd[19524]
 root @ user manager service: systemd[1208]
root@examplehost ~ % 
root@examplehost ~ % 
root@examplehost ~ % 
root@examplehost ~ % 
root@examplehost ~ % 
root@examplehost ~ % needrestart 
Scanning processes...                                                                                     
Scanning candidates...                                                                                    
Scanning processor microcode...                                                                           
Scanning linux images...                                                                                  

Running kernel seems to be up-to-date.

The processor microcode seems to be up-to-date.

Restarting services...
 systemctl restart xrdp.service

Service restarts being deferred:
 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
 systemctl restart systemd-journald.service
 systemctl restart systemd-logind.service

No containers need to be restarted.

User sessions running outdated binaries:
 root @ session #1: login[743]
 root @ session #626: sshd[19524]
 root @ user manager service: systemd[1208]


操作系统:Debian 9.6 amd64。


您是否尝试过停止并启动服务?由于您断开了连接,因此可能有一个僵尸进程徘徊。如果无法停止,您可以尝试 kill 甚至 kill -9。
