solaris 上的 oraInventory 问题

solaris 上的 oraInventory 问题

我创建了一个脚本,用于在 Solaris 上安装 Oracle 11g。我的脚本在 Solaris 10/13 上运行良好,但在 10 9/10 上失败。


INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations 
INFO: Completed background operations 
INFO: Executing action at state showSummary
INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from  /export/home/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml 
INFO:Loading beanstore from file:/export/home/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: Translating external format into raw format  
INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from
INFO: size estimation for EEinstall is 4664.178535461426 INFO: 

Disk space : required 4.55 GB available 208.88 GB 
Source location : /export/home/database/install/../stage/products.xml 
Install method : Advanced installation 
Database edition : Enterprise Edition (Create and configure a database) 
Oracle base : /opt/app/oracle Software
location : /opt/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 
OSDBA group : oinstall

Configuration : General Purpose / Transaction Processing 
Globaldatabase name : orcl 
Oracle system identifier (SID) : luxsuppdb
Allocated memory : 6000 MB


INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
INFO: Inventory location : /opt/app/oraInventory 
INFO: oraInventory group : oinstall 
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


有人知道我可能遗漏了什么吗?如有必要,我也可以发布脚本。它们都使用相同的安装脚本、相同的安装文件和相同的 db.rsp。
