在 IIS 8.5 中是否可以混合 SSI 和非 SSI 绑定、相同的 IP 地址和端口

在 IIS 8.5 中是否可以混合 SSI 和非 SSI 绑定、相同的 IP 地址和端口




我有一个盒子Windows Server 2012,里面IIS 8.5有两个。一个 IP 地址。它包含一个站点,有两个SSL bindings。即 HTTPS。两者都通过端口 443,每个都有自己独特的证书。由于只有一个 IP,它们各自共享同一个 IP。一个绑定有要求指示服务器名称检查并主机名myserver.example.com。另一个绑定是默认 SSL 绑定,因此要求指示服务器名称未选中,并且主机名是空的。


我的问题是,是否可以在同一个 IP:Port 上混合 SNI 和非 SNI SSL 绑定?

根据博客中描述的工作流程(见下文)和我自己的测试,不会,它总是会选择非 SNI SSL 绑定。但也许我错了,我没有看到一种解决方案,可以将 SNI 和非 SNI 绑定与相同的 IP:Port 混合使用。

    Below are the steps involved during SSL handshake between a SNI
    compliant Client and a site hosted on IIS 8 on which a SSL binding is 
    configured to use SNI.

    1. The client and the server establish a TCP connection via TCP 

    2. The client sends a Client Hello to the server. This packet contains 
       the specific protocol version, list of supported cipher suites along 
       with the hostname (let’s say www.outlook.com provided its a SNI 
       compliant browser). The TCP/IP headers in the packet contain the 
       IPAddress and the Port number.

    3. The server checks the registry (legacy bindings) to find a 
       certificate hash/thumbprint corresponding to the above combination of 

    4. If there is no legacy binding for that IP:Port, then server uses 
       hostname information available from the Client Hello checks the 
       registry to find a certificate hash corresponding to the above 
       combination of Hostname:Port. The server checks the below key to find 
       the combination:


    5. If the above step fails i.e., if the server couldn’t find a 
       corresponding hostname:port, then it would use the IPAddress 
       available to search for a legacy SSL binding for that IPAddress and 
       PORT. (If this is absent then the SSL handshake would fail)

    6. Once it finds a match, the crypto API’s are called to retrieve the 
       Server Certificate based on the thumbprint/certificate hash from the 
       certificate store. The retrieved certificate is then added to the 
       Server Hello and sent to the client.
