无法使用 Nginx 反向代理服务器运行 WSO2 UI 控制台,即 Carbon

无法使用 Nginx 反向代理服务器运行 WSO2 UI 控制台,即 Carbon

我想使用具有以下位置的反向代理服务器访问 wso2apim。

https://wso2am:9443/carbon ---> https://nginx-ip/wso2am/carbon

我已经使用以下 URL 配置了 wso2am/store 和 wso2am/publisher。 https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/Configuring+the+Proxy+Server+and+the+Load+Balancer#ConfiguringtheProxyServerandtheLoadBalancer-Step1-CreateaSSLcertificatefortheloadbalancer

我的 nginx 配置如下:

   location /wso2am/ {

            proxy_set_header   Host                $host;
            proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP           $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host    $host;
            proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For     $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

            proxy_pass https://wso2am-host:wso2am-ip/;
            proxy_redirect https://$http_host/carbon/carbon/ /wso2am/carbon/;

          proxy_redirect https://$http_host/wso2am/ /wso2am/;
          proxy_redirect https://$http_host/ /wso2am/;

            proxy_redirect https://$http_host/store/ /wso2am/store/;
            proxy_redirect https://$http_host/publisher/ /wso2am/publisher/;

             proxy_cookie_path / /wso2am/;





重复的我在 stackoverflow 上的回答


       Webapp context root of WSO2 Carbon management console.

        Proxy context path is a useful parameter to add a proxy path when a Carbon server is fronted by reverse proxy. In addition
        to the proxy host and proxy port this parameter allows you add a path component to external URLs. e.g.
            URL of the Carbon server ->
        URL of the reverse proxy -> https://prod.abc.com/appserver/carbon

    appserver - proxy context path. This specially required whenever you are generating URLs to displace in
    Carbon UI components.


如果您的 Nginx 在 SSL 模式下监听 443,则以下方法有效(由于重定向,无法使用 HTTP 执行此操作 -> 如果您打算在本地网络上使用它,请制作自签名证书)

    location /wso2am {
        proxy_pass https://wso2_apimanager_container:9443;
        proxy_set_header   Host                $host;
        proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP           $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host    $host;
        proxy_ssl_verify   off;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For     $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

它确实有效,但我并不完全清楚为什么。有人能向我解释一下和 的<MgtProxyContextPath>区别吗?</MgtProxyContextPath><WebContextRoot>

子公司:有没有办法用 HTTP 而不是 HTTPS 来访问 carbon,并让 Nginx 处理证书(在我的例子中可能会简化集成)
