域控制器无法复制。SChannel 问题。客户端无法加入域

域控制器无法复制。SChannel 问题。客户端无法加入域

我遇到了 AD 林中树域的 PDC 问题。它无法复制到其他 DC,并且其客户端正在失去对域的信任,无法使用 Test-computersecurechannel -repair 进行重置,我无法将客户端加入/重新加入域。

这是 Server 2016 林,站点创建为树域。林是 xyz.den.lcl,其他树是 xyz.atl.lcl(损坏的)、xyz.sea.lcl、xyz.cle.lcl、xyz.qucy.lcl 和 xyz.sat.lcl。所有 DC 都是 Windows 2016 STD,大多数是 2016 数据中心 Hyper-V 群集上的 VM。CLEDC01 是一个例外,是一台物理服务器。

我在这里吐出了一堆信息,但我怀疑所有这些结果都是因为 SChannel/Machine 密码被破坏了。

我认为这个问题最初是由 AV 防火墙引起的,我后来卸载了它并尝试修复这个问题。在安装 A/V 之前一切都很好。我已经使用 Portqry 和 RPCping 验证了 RPC 服务正在监听并且可以从/到所有 DC 进行访问。

我还修复了域中缺失的一些 SRV 记录(xyz.atl.lcl _msdcs 目录中缺少 _kerberos 和 _Kpassword)。据我所知,DNS 很好。我可以通过它的所有服务器记录、通过它在林 _msdcs 区域中的 CNAME GUID 来解析 DC(ATLVMDC01),rDNS 解析正确,它的 SRV 记录具有正确的优先级。我检查了所有内容http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=5171

我还尝试在 DC 上使用 Netdom resetpwd 来重置机器 PW。

当我尝试使用 nltest 从任何域上的任何其他服务器/PC 获取 xyz.atl.lcl 的 DC 时,我会看到这种情况。

C:\Windows\system32>nltest /dsgetdc:xyz.atl.lcl
Getting DC name failed: Status = 1355 0x54b ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN


C:\Windows\system32>nltest /dsgetdc:xyz.atl.lcl
           DC: \\ATLVMDC01.xyz.atl.lcl
      Address: \\<server ip>
     Dom Guid: <GUID>
     Dom Name: xyz.atl.lcl
  Forest Name: xyz.den.lcl
 Dc Site Name: ATLANTA
Our Site Name: ATLANTA
The command completed successfully

ATLVMDC01 的网络配置。所有其他 DC 的配置都接近此配置。它们的主 DNS 是它们自己的 IP,辅助 DNS 服务器与此处列出的 2 个相同。

Windows IP Configuration

   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : ATLVMDC01
   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . : xyz.atl.lcl
   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : xyz.atl.lcl

Ethernet adapter Ethernet 3:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : xyz.atl.lcl
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #3
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-15-5D-2C-6F-15
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::a174:d654:693c:79c6%5(Preferred)
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
   DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 134223197
   DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-23-AB-58-66-00-15-5D-2C-6F-05
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled



Source DSA          largest delta    fails/total %%   error
 ATLVMDC01         32d.00h:12m:06s   32 /  32  100  (1722) The RPC server is unavailable.
 CLEDC01                   12m:51s    0 /  32    0
 DENVMDC01                 25m:33s    0 /  26    0
 DENVMDC02                 32m:45s    0 /  42    0
 QCYDC001                  11m:51s    0 /  32    0
 SATVMCAM01                25m:00s    0 /  42    0
 SATVMDC01                 32m:49s    0 /  10    0

来自任何其他 DC

Source DSA          largest delta    fails/total %%   error
ATLVMDC01         32d.00h:12m:06s   32 /  32  100  (1722) The RPC server is unavailable.
 CLEDC01                   12m:51s    0 /  32    0
 DENVMDC01                 25m:33s    0 /  26    0
 DENVMDC02                 32m:45s    0 /  42    0
 QCYDC001                  11m:51s    0 /  32    0
 SATVMCAM01                25m:00s    0 /  42    0
 SATVMDC01                 32m:49s    0 /  10    0

Experienced the following operational errors trying to retrieve replication information:
        8341 - ATLVMDC01.xyz.atl.lcl


C:\Windows\system32>dcdiag /test:DNS

Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Trying to find home server...
   Home Server = ATLVMDC01
   * Identified AD Forest.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: ATLANTA\ATLVMDC01
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... ATLVMDC01 passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: ATLANTA\ATLVMDC01

      Starting test: DNS

         DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
         ......................... ATLVMDC01 passed test DNS

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : Schema

   Running partition tests on : Configuration

   Running enterprise tests on : xyz.den.lcl
      Starting test: DNS
         ......................... xyz.den.lcl passed test DNS

在所有其他 DC 上,我看到 DCDIAG /TEST:DNS /E

Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Trying to find home server...
   Home Server = DENVMDC01
   * Identified AD Forest.
   [ATLVMDC01] LDAP bind failed with error 8341,
   A directory service error has occurred..
   Got error while checking if the DC is using FRS or DFSR. Error: A directory service error has occurred.The
   VerifyReferences, FrsEvent and DfsrEvent tests might fail because of this error.

   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: DENVER\DENVMDC01
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... DENVMDC01 passed test Connectivity

   Testing server: DENVER\DENVMDC02
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... DENVMDC02 passed test Connectivity

   Testing server: QUINCY\QCYDC001
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... QCYDC001 passed test Connectivity

   Testing server: ATLANTA\ATLVMDC01
      Starting test: Connectivity
         Got error while checking LDAP and RPC connectivity. Please check your firewall settings.
         ......................... ATLVMDC01 failed test Connectivity

   Testing server: CLEVELAND\CLEDC01
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... CLEDC01 passed test Connectivity

   Testing server: SANANTONIO\SATVMDC01
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... SATVMDC01 passed test Connectivity

   Testing server: SANANTONIO\SATVMCAM01
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... SATVMCAM01 passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: DENVER\DENVMDC01

   Testing server: DENVER\DENVMDC02

   Testing server: QUINCY\QCYDC001

   Testing server: ATLANTA\ATLVMDC01

   Testing server: CLEVELAND\CLEDC01

   Testing server: SANANTONIO\SATVMDC01

   Testing server: SANANTONIO\SATVMCAM01

Starting test: DNS
Starting test: DNS
Starting test: DNS
Starting test: DNS
Starting test: DNS
Starting test: DNS
Starting test: DNS                                                                     Starting test: DNS
DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please waita few minutes...

ATLVMDC01 failed test DNS
SATVMDC01 passed test DNS
DENVMDC01 passed test DNS
SATVMCAM01 passed test DNS
CLEDC01 passed test DNS
DENVMDC02 passed test DNS
QCYDC001 passed test DNS

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : Schema

   Running partition tests on : Configuration

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running enterprise tests on : xyz.den.lcl
      Starting test: DNS
         Test results for domain controllers:

            DC: ATLVMDC01.xyz.atl.lcl
            Domain: xyz.atl.lcl

               TEST: Authentication (Auth)
                  Error: Authentication failed with specified credentials

               TEST: Basic (Basc)
                  Error: No LDAP connectivity
                  Error: No WMI connectivity
                  No host records (A or AAAA) were found for this DC

            DC: QCYDC001.xyz.qucy.lcl
            Domain: xyz.qucy.lcl

               TEST: Basic (Basc)
                  Warning: adapter [00000003] QLogic BCM57800 10 Gigabit Ethernet (NDIS VBD Client) has invalid DNS
                  server: <server ip> (<name unavailable>)
                  Warning: Adapter B0:83:FE:D2:39:FB has dynamic IP address (can be a misconfiguration)
                  Warning: Adapter B0:83:FE:D2:39:F9 has dynamic IP address (can be a misconfiguration)

            DNS server: (<name unavailable>)
               3 test failure on this DNS server
               Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp.xyz.den.lcl. failed on the DNS server

            DNS server: <server ip> (<name unavailable>)
               1 test failure on this DNS server
               PTR record query for the failed on the DNS server <server ip>               Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp.xyz.den.lcl. failed on the DNS server

         Summary of DNS test results:

                                            Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext
            Domain: xyz.den.lcl
               ATLVMDC01                    FAIL FAIL n/a  n/a  n/a  n/a  n/a
               QCYDC001                     PASS WARN PASS PASS PASS PASS n/a

         ......................... xyz.den.lcl failed test DNS

运行 DCDIAG /test:checksecurityerror 并收到以下内容。

C:\Windows\system32>dcdiag /test:checksecurityerror

Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Trying to find home server...
   Home Server = DENVMDC01
   * Identified AD Forest.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: DENVER\DENVMDC01
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... DENVMDC01 passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: DENVER\DENVMDC01
      Starting test: CheckSecurityError
         Source DC ATLVMDC01 has possible security error (1722).  Diagnosing...
               No KDC found for domain xyz.atl.lcl in site ATLANTA (1355, NULL)
               [ATLVMDC01] Unable to contact this DC.  Cannot continue diagnosing errors with this DC.
         ......................... DENVMDC01 failed test CheckSecurityError

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : Schema

   Running partition tests on : Configuration

   Running partition tests on : xyz

   Running enterprise tests on : xyz.den.lcl
