在 Draytek Vigor 2960 上通过 SSH 开启互联网管理

在 Draytek Vigor 2960 上通过 SSH 开启互联网管理

我想在 Draytek Vigor 2960 路由器上启用 Web 管理界面,并且已通过 SSH 连接,但对如何配置有点困惑。尝试了以下方法,但只显示了命令列表。

Vigor2960> ip6 mngt https on
apply       Apply setting
debug       show debug log
enable      Change to enable mode
fpp         Change inspection policy and packet count of FPP
help        Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history     Display the current session's command line history
logout      Logout of the current CLI session
ping        Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network host
ping6       Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network host
restart     Restart service
status      Get current system related status
tr069       Get current tr069 parameter value
traceroute  Print the route packets trace to network host
uci         uci command
wd_off      close watch dog, ps: watch dog is running in default after reboot

exit        Exit



好的,搞定了……输入 enable 进入启用模式,然后慢慢输入一些东西,找到了解决方法。输入命令似乎会给出如下所示的选项,新模式在“...”下有附加命令,这些命令似乎是模式特定的。所以:

Vigor2960# configure
applications   bandwidth      nat            object_setting system
terminal       user           vpn


Vigor2960# configure system


Vigor2960@config-sys# acc_ctrl get


acc_ctrl set web_lan_allow enable


Vigor2960@config-sys# apply
