集中式 powershell 备份脚本

集中式 powershell 备份脚本

我们需要一个 powershell 脚本来从 3 个远程服务器备份文件夹:

服务器1 服务器2 服务器3


发送到包含每个文件夹当天日期的中央本地文件夹:c:\allbackups\server1<DATE> c:\allbackups\server2<DATE> c:\allbackups\server3<DATE>



这是完成这项工作的方法。[咧嘴笑] 它比所要求的要多一点,但由于缺乏适当的错误处理,因此尚未完全填写。无论如何......这是它的作用......

  • 创建服务器计算机列表
  • 设置各种常量
  • 创建目标根目录
    这里是一个“缺乏错误处理”的点 - 没有检查确保该目录已创建并且可写。
  • 遍历计算机列表
  • 检查远程源目录
  • 如果不存在,则在屏幕上
    另一个缺少的地方写入警告。您可能需要将缺少的源添加到 $Var 或错误文件中。
  • 如果是的话...
  • 建立完整备份目标目录
  • 创建它并忽略任何错误,
  • 将参数构建robocopy到数组中
  • 使用上述参数 splat 调用 RC
    来查找Get-Help about_Splatting真正巧妙的功能。[咧嘴笑]
  • 完成对计算机列表的迭代

代码 ...

$ComputerList = @(

# swap the `#` on these two lines to test "no source found"
$SourceDir = 'd$\Temp'
#$SourceDir = 'd$\Temp\NotThere'

$RootDestDir = "$env:TEMP\Backups"
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $RootDestDir))
    $Null = New-Item -Path $RootDestDir -ItemType 'Directory'

$FileSpec = '*.*'

$TimeStamp = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
$Subject = 'RC_Backup'
$LogFileName = -join ($Subject, '_-_', $TimeStamp, '.log')
$FullLogFileName = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath $LogFileName

foreach ($CL_Item in $ComputerList)
    $RemoteSourceDir = '\\{0}\{1}' -f $CL_Item, $SourceDir
    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $RemoteSourceDir)
        $FullDestDir = Join-Path -Path $RootDestDir -ChildPath ('{0}_-_{1}' -f $CL_Item, $TimeStamp)
        $Null = mkdir -Path $FullDestDir -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

        $RC_Params = @(
            # put your current options below
            # comment out the next line to suppress on-screen output
        robocopy $RC_Params
        Write-Warning ('    [ {0} ] was not found on [ {1} ].' -f $RemoteSourceDir, $CL_Item)

    } # end >>> foreach ($CL_Item in $ComputerList)


WARNING:     [ \\LocalHost\d$\Temp\NotThere ] was not found on [ LocalHost ].
WARNING:     [ \\\d$\Temp\NotThere ] was not found on [ ].
WARNING:     [ \\MySysName\d$\Temp\NotThere ] was not found on [ ZK_01 ].


Log File : C:\Temp\RC_Backup_-_2020-07-13.log

   ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows                              

  Started : Mon Jul 13 16:11:34 2020

   Source : \\LocalHost\d$\Temp\
     Dest : C:\Temp\Backups\LocalHost_-_2020-07-13\

    Files : *.*
  Options : *.* /TEE /S /E /COPY:DAT /NP /R:1000000 /W:30 


                       1    \\LocalHost\d$\Temp\
        New File           7.7 m    testing.zip
      New Dir          2    \\LocalHost\d$\Temp\1\
        New File          422446    Lee_CHOICES_2017-07-07
        New File           89854    Lee_CHOICES_2017-07-07.H3M
      New Dir         23    \\LocalHost\d$\Temp\2\
        New File             549    Archive_Backup_to_NAS_-_Update_One_Way_[daily] 2016-03-07 010000.log
        New File            5119    Data_-_Update_One_Way_[daily] 2016-03-07 020000.log
        New File          322186    Documents_-_Update_One_Way_[monthly] 2016-02-01 030000 [Error].log
        New File          367981    Documents_-_Update_One_Way_[monthly] 2016-03-01 030000 [Error].log
        New File           58906    Email_-_Update_One_Way_[monthly] 2016-02-01 040000 [Error].log
        New File           59151    Email_-_Update_One_Way_[monthly] 2016-03-01 040004 [Error].log
        New File           75434    Generic_Backup_to_NAS_-_Mirror_One_Way_[daily] 2016-03-07 050000 [Warning].log


        New File             326    desktop.ini
        New File          25.0 m    Wildlife.wmv


               Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
    Dirs :       234       233         1         0         0         0
   Files :       320       320         0         0         0         0
   Bytes :  290.15 m  290.15 m         0         0         0         0
   Times :   0:00:06   0:00:06                       0:00:00   0:00:00

   Speed :            49624024 Bytes/sec.
   Speed :            2839.509 MegaBytes/min.

   Ended : Mon Jul 13 16:11:40 2020



$ServerList = @( Server1 Server2 Server3 )
$AllBackups = "c:\allbackups"
$TimeStamp = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMdd')
$SourceFolder = "C$\backupfiles"

foreach ($server in ServerList) {
    Copy-Item -Path "\\$server\$SourceFolder" -Destination "$AllBackups\$server-$Timestamp" -Recurse
