gcloud 计算图像导入 SLES 15 SP2 BYOL

gcloud 计算图像导入 SLES 15 SP2 BYOL

当前尝试执行 gcloud 图像导入以便为 SLES 15 SP2 带来我们自己的许可证,结果如下:

[import-image]: 2020-07-30T23:00:04Z Error running workflow: step "wait-for-translator" run error: WaitForInstancesSignal FailureMatch found for "inst-translator-import-image-54bdm": "TranslateFailed: error: Import of sles-15.2 is not supported. The following versions are supported: [opensuse-15.1, sles-15.1, sles-12.4|5]"



目前,SLES 15 SP2 不支持导入。
请参阅Compute Engine > 文档 > 操作系统支持的功能

20200731 - gcloud compute images import SLES 15 SP2 BYOL - pic
