使用 sed 为 Latex 格式化段落

使用 sed 为 Latex 格式化段落

我正在使用sed重新格式化许多纯文本文件以使用 LaTeX 进行编译。该文件包含各个部分,其中包含提供范围的关键字。我正在处理的部分之一是赞美诗。赞美诗以关键字开头Hymn,以单词结束。Amen. 赞美诗的文本应根据“诗句”上下文进行格式化。


Hymn I
Conditor alme siderum,
Aeterna lux credentium,
Christe, redemptor omnium,
Exaudi preces supplicum.

Qui condolens interitu
Mortis perire saeculum,
Salvasti mundum languidum,
Donans reis remedium.

Vergente mundi vespere,
Uti sponsus de thalamo,
Egressus honestissima
Virginis matris clausula. Amen.

Hymn II
... Amen.


\small{\uppercase{Hymn I}}\normalsize
Conditor alme siderum,\\
Aeterna lux credentium,\\
Christe, redemptor omnium,\\
Exaudi preces supplicum.\\!

Qui condolens interitu\\
Mortis perire saeculum,\\
Salvasti mundum languidum,\\
Donans reis remedium.\\!

Vergente mundi vespere,\\
Uti sponsus de thalamo,\\
Egressus honestissima\\
Virginis matris clausula. Amen.\\!
\small{\uppercase{Hymn II}}\normalsize
... Amen.\\!


sed '/Hymn/,/Amen/ { /Hymn\|Amen/ !{...' 我已经尝试过And Hor 的方法N,但我似乎永远无法完全正确。



sed '/Hymn/,/Amen/{                                 # in this range
/Hymn/{                                             # if line matches Hymn
s/.*/\\small\{\\uppercase\{&\}\}\\normalsize/       # replace as required
h                                                   # copy over the hold space
s/.*/\\begin\{verse\}/                              # replace with \begin{verse}
H                                                   # append to hold space
d                                                   # delete the line
/Amen/!{                                            # if line doesn't match Amen 
/^$/!{                                              # and if line is not empty
s/$/\\\\/                                           # add trailing \\
H                                                   # append to hold space
d                                                   # then delete line
//{                                                 # if line matches Amen
s/$/\\\\!/                                          # add trailing \\!
H                                                   # append to hold space
s/.*/\\end\{verse\}/                                # replace with \end{verse}
H                                                   # append to hold space
s/.*//                                              # empty pattern space
x                                                   # exchange buffers
s/\n\n/!&/g                                         # add ! at end of each para
' infile

或者,如果您更喜欢gnu sed两行:

sed '/Hymn/,/Amen/{/Hymn/{s/.*/\\small\{\\uppercase\{\&\}\}\\normalsize/;h;s/.*/\\begin\{verse\}/;H;d}
/Amen/!{/^$/!{s/$/\\\\/};H;d};//{s/$/\\\\!/;H;s/.*/\\end\{verse\}/;H;s/.*//;x;s/\n\n/!&/g}}' infile


\small{\uppercase{Hymn I}}\normalsize
Conditor alme siderum,\\
Aeterna lux credentium,\\
Christe, redemptor omnium,\\
Exaudi preces supplicum.\\!

Qui condolens interitu\\
Mortis perire saeculum,\\
Salvasti mundum languidum,\\
Donans reis remedium.\\!

Vergente mundi vespere,\\
Uti sponsus de thalamo,\\
Egressus honestissima\\
Virginis matris clausula. Amen.\\!

\small{\uppercase{Hymn II}}\normalsize
... Amen.\\!



#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Usage: thisprogram < inputfile > outputfile
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);

$/ = "\n\n";    # paragraph mode

while (<>) {
  # nuke last \n of paragraph due to
  # the need to replace the mid-verse newlines with \\
  # and now actually undo that while working on the first line
  s/(Hymn \w+)[\\]+/\\small{\\uppercase{$1}}\\normalsize\n\\begin{verse}/;
  # and at the newline-free end of the paragraph, tack on the \\! bit
  # emit
  if (m/Amen\./) {
    say "\\end{verse}\n";
  } else {
    print "\n";
