在 Azure 服务器上部署 Web API MVC4 时出错

在 Azure 服务器上部署 Web API MVC4 时出错

请求的 VM 层目前在东南亚不适用于此订阅。请尝试其他层或部署到其他位置

这是我的 API 代码:

使用系统;使用 System.Collections.Generic;使用 System.Linq;使用 System.Net;使用 System.Net.Http;使用 System.Web;使用 System.Web.Http;使用 System.Web.Mvc;使用 System.Linq.Expressions;使用 System.Windows.Media.Imaging;使用 System.IO;使用 System.Runtime.Serialization;使用 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;使用 SourceAFIS.Simple;//导入命名空间 SourceAFIS.Simple 使用 System.Drawing;使用 System.ComponentModel;使用 System.Net;命名空间 MvcApplication2.Controllers {公共类 ValuesController:ApiController {静态 AfisEngine AFIS = new AfisEngine();静态 Person DatabasePersons = new Person();静态 Person CandidatePerson = new Person();静态 Fingerprint DatabaseFingerprints = new Fingerprint();静态 Fingerprint CanditateFingerprint = new Fingerprint(); // 从 Fingerprint 继承以添加 Filename 字段 [Serializable] class MyFingerprint : Fingerprint { public string Filename; }

    // Inherit from Person in order to add Name field
    class MyPerson : Person
        public string Name;

    // Initialize path to images
    static readonly string ImagePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine("..", ".."), "images");

    // Shared AfisEngine instance (cannot be shared between different threads though)
    static AfisEngine Afis;

    // Take fingerprint image file and create Person object from the image
    static MyPerson Enroll(string filename, string name)
        Console.WriteLine("Enrolling {0}...", name);

        // Initialize empty fingerprint object and set properties
        MyFingerprint fp = new MyFingerprint();
        fp.Filename = filename;
        // Load image from the file
        Console.WriteLine(" Loading image from {0}...", filename);
        BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(filename, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
        fp.AsBitmapSource = image;
        // Above update of fp.AsBitmapSource initialized also raw image in fp.Image
        // Check raw image dimensions, Y axis is first, X axis is second
        Console.WriteLine(" Image size = {0} x {1} (width x height)", fp.Image.GetLength(1), fp.Image.GetLength(0));

        // Initialize empty person object and set its properties
        MyPerson person = new MyPerson();
        person.Name = name;
        // Add fingerprint to the person

        // Execute extraction in order to initialize fp.Template
        Console.WriteLine(" Extracting template...");
        // Check template size
        Console.WriteLine(" Template size = {0} bytes", fp.Template.Length);

        return person;

    public HttpResponseMessage Post()
        ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
        var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
        var a = httpRequest.Form.GetValues(0);
        if (httpRequest.Files.Count < 1)
            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
        System.IO.Stream fs = httpRequest.Files[0].InputStream;
        System.IO.BinaryReader br=new System.IO.BinaryReader(fs);
        Byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes((Int32)fs.Length);
        TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Bitmap));
        Bitmap bitmap1 = (Bitmap)tc.ConvertFrom(bytes);
        DatabaseFingerprints.AsBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap1);

        var wc = new WebClient();
        var imgStream = new MemoryStream(wc.DownloadData((a[0])));
        System.IO.BinaryReader br1 = new System.IO.BinaryReader(imgStream);
        Byte[] bytes1 = br1.ReadBytes((Int32)imgStream.Length);
        TypeConverter tc1 = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Bitmap));
        Bitmap bitmap2 = (Bitmap)tc1.ConvertFrom(bytes1);
        CanditateFingerprint.AsBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap2);

        // Extracting skeletons of database fingerprints and candidate fingerprint.

        // Matching
        bool res = false;
        float score = AFIS.Verify(CandidatePerson, DatabasePersons);

        bool match = (score > 40);
        int points = Convert.ToInt32(score);

        if (match)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Fingerprint match with {0} points", points.ToString()));
            res = true;
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Fingerprint does not match with {0} points", points.ToString()));
            res = false;
        return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created,res);



这与您的代码无关,您尝试创建的 VM 大小在所选区域中不可用。您需要将 VM 大小或区域更改为可用的大小或区域。
