


一切运行良好,但我唯一无法弄清楚的是如何更改回复电子邮件,使其不来自 POSTMASTER。

我已将 /etc/dovecot/conf.d 中的 15-lda.conf 更改

#Address to use when sending rejection mails.
#Default is no-reply@%d. %d expands to recipient domain.
postmaster_address = [email protected]. 

但仍然发件人:邮政局长 只需注意:dovecot,postfix 已重新启动。



require ["enotify", "mailbox", "reject", "variables"];

if header :matches "to" ["*", "*", "*"] {
set "r1" "${1}";
set "r2" "${2}";
set "r3" "${3}";

if header :matches "from" "*" {
set "sender" "${1}";

#sets variables for position in the address and it works for CC and BC aswell.
#This is the way sieve works by setting position in the line for TO or FROM.

if header :matches "Subject" "SEC=SECRET" {
notify :importance "1"
            :message "SEC=SECRET Email Received"

if header :matches "Subject" "SEC=TOP SECRET" {
notify :importance "1"
            :message "You have received an email with a SECRET or TOP SECRET classification from ${sender}. The message exceeds the classification of company's email system and has been discarded. The sender of the message has also been informed"

if header :matches "Subject" "SEC=TOP-SECRET" {
notify :importance "1"
            :message "You have received an email with a SECRET or TOP SECRET classification from ${sender}. The message exceeds the classification of company's email system and has been discarded. The sender of the message has also been informed"
#matches the Subject and if it containes SECRET or TOP SECRET
#sends notification to receivers specified in mailto:
#doesn't include the body of email

if anyof (header :contains "Subject" "SEC=SECRET",
       header :contains "Subject" "SEC=TOP SECRET",
       header :contains "Subject" "SEC=TOP-SECRET")

reject "Our systems have not been certified to accept emails classified as SECRET or TOP-SECRET. Your message has been deleted and the recipients have been informed.";


#matches the Subject, drops the body and sends notification to the sender with the message specified.




这是实际任务:“电子邮件服务器配置为阻止、记录和报告带有不适当保护标记的电子邮件。”“任何被阻止的入站电子邮件的预期收件人以及任何被阻止的出站电子邮件的发件人都会收到通知。”使用 docker-mailserver 容器构建测试邮件服务器,并开发内容过滤器插件,用于阻止、记录和报告主题行中带有 SEC=SECRET 或 SEC=TOP SECRET 的消息。通知发件人和收件人,但不泄露邮件内容。


