


在客户端上使用 stunnel 配置连接到使用 x509 证书认证的 squid 代理,每 5 分钟只能处理一个请求。场景:

  • Squidstunnel配置并启动
  • wget配置为使用localhost代理(stunnel
  • wget https://github.com每 5 分钟(或stunnel重新启动)工作休息时间仅收到 1 个请求(例如)connection reset by peer
  • 使用原始连接,例如openssl s_client -key -cert -connect使用与 Squid 的直接通信可以正常工作


我正在设置stunnel在客户端上安装的架构,它会导致带有身份验证squid的代理x509 Certificate

客户端设置stunnel其证书以进行连接squid,然后设置HTTP_PROXY为瞄准 stunnel 端点localhost

信任路径在每一侧都配置正确,因此 Squid 都信任来自客户端的证书,并且客户端在每个级别(根 CA 和中间 CA)上都信任 Squid 的证书。


cert = /etc/letsencrypt/live/test.internal/fullchain.pem
key = /etc/letsencrypt/live/test.internal/privkey.pem
CAFile = /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/root.crt
client = yes
accept =
connect = squid.internal:3128

squid 的配置

acl localnet src  # RFC 1122 "this" network (LAN)
acl localnet src             # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN)
acl localnet src          # RFC 6598 shared address space (CGN)
acl localnet src         # RFC 3927 link-local (directly plugged) machines
acl localnet src          # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN)
acl localnet src         # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN)
acl localnet src fc00::/7               # RFC 4193 local private network range
acl localnet src fe80::/10              # RFC 4291 link-local (directly plugged) machines
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80          # http
acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443         # https
acl Safe_ports port 70          # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210         # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280         # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488         # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591         # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777         # multiling http
acl cert user_cert CN test.internal
http_access allow localhost manager
http_access deny manager
http_access deny to_localhost
http_access allow cert
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow servicedesk
http_access deny all
https_port 3128 tls-cert=/etc/letsencrypt/live/squid.internal/cert.pem tls-key=/etc/letsencrypt/live/squid.internal/privkey.pem options=NO_SSLv3:NO_TLSv1:NO_TLSv1_1:NO_TLSv1_3:NO_TICKET clientca=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/root.crt cafile=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/root.crt tls-default-ca=off
client_idle_pconn_timeout 5 minutes
client_persistent_connections on
pconn_lifetime 0
logformat squidtls %tl %ts.%03tu %6tr %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %[un %Sh/%<a %mt "%ssl::>cert_subject"
access_log daemon:/var/log/squid/access-tls.log squidtls
cache deny all
cache_dir null /tmp
shutdown_lifetime 1 seconds
coredump_dir /var/cache/squid

现在客户端上发生的情况是,正确配置了 HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:3128,第一个通过 squid 的请求被接受,接下来的请求被拒绝connection reset by peer5 分钟后或 stunnel 重新启动后,下一个请求将被正确处理。

发生这种情况时,从 stunnel 记录,第一个请求成功,第二个请求被拒绝:

2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Service [squid-gcp] started
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Setting local socket options (FD=3)
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Option TCP_NODELAY set on local socket
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG5[0]: Service [squid-gcp] accepted connection from
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: s_connect: connecting
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: FD=6 events=0x2001 revents=0x0
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: FD=11 events=0x2005 revents=0x0
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG5[0]: s_connect: connected
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG5[0]: Service [squid-gcp] connected remote server from
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Setting remote socket options (FD=11)
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Option TCP_NODELAY set on remote socket
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Remote descriptor (FD=11) initialized
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: SNI: sending servername: squid.internal
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Peer certificate not required
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): before SSL initialization
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client hello
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client hello
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read server hello
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Certificate verification disabled
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Certificate verification disabled
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Certificate verification disabled
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read server certificate
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Client CA: O=GCP Internal CA, CN=GCP Internal CA Root CA
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Client CA: O=GCP Internal CA, CN=GCP Internal CA Intermediate CA
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read server certificate request
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read server done
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client certificate
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client key exchange
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write certificate verify
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write change cipher spec
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write finished
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write finished
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read change cipher spec
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS read finished
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: New session callback
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Peer certificate was cached (2601 bytes)
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Session id: 383CDD4E8AA87AC2ED148172C025D1A5ECE0A1FF114362503BCDED36B9BB44B0
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]:      1 client connect(s) requested
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]:      1 client connect(s) succeeded
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]:      0 client renegotiation(s) requested
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]:      0 session reuse(s)
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: TLS connected: new session negotiated
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: TLSv1.2 ciphersuite: AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256-bit encryption)
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Compression: null, expansion: null
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: Read socket closed (readsocket)
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Sending close_notify alert
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS alert (write): warning: close notify
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: SSL_shutdown successfully sent close_notify alert
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: TLS alert (read): warning: close notify
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG6[0]: TLS closed (SSL_read)
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Sent socket write shutdown
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG5[0]: Connection closed: 737 byte(s) sent to TLS, 234207 byte(s) sent to socket
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Remote descriptor (FD=11) closed
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Local descriptor (FD=3) closed
2021.07.07 14:27:59 LOG7[0]: Service [squid-gcp] finished (0 left)
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Service [squid-gcp] started
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Setting local socket options (FD=3)
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Option TCP_NODELAY set on local socket
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG5[1]: Service [squid-gcp] accepted connection from
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG6[1]: s_connect: connecting
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: FD=6 events=0x2001 revents=0x0
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: FD=11 events=0x2005 revents=0x0
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG5[1]: s_connect: connected
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG5[1]: Service [squid-gcp] connected remote server from
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Setting remote socket options (FD=11)
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Option TCP_NODELAY set on remote socket
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Remote descriptor (FD=11) initialized
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG6[1]: SNI: sending servername: squid.internal
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG6[1]: Peer certificate not required
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: TLS state (connect): before SSL initialization
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: TLS state (connect): SSLv3/TLS write client hello
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG3[1]: SSL_connect: Peer suddenly disconnected
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG5[1]: Connection reset: 0 byte(s) sent to TLS, 0 byte(s) sent to socket
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Remote descriptor (FD=11) closed
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Local descriptor (FD=3) closed
2021.07.07 14:28:01 LOG7[1]: Service [squid-gcp] finished (0 left)

很明显,第一个请求 TLS 协商成功,而第二个请求甚至还没有启动。

来自 squid 访问日志的日志:

07/Jul/2021:14:27:59 +0000 1625668079.646    496 TCP_TUNNEL/200 234207 CONNECT github.com:443 - HIER_DIRECT/ - "/CN=test.internal"
07/Jul/2021:14:28:01 +0000 1625668081.958      0 NONE/000 0 NONE error:transaction-end-before-headers - HIER_NONE/- - "-"


2021/07/07 14:28:01 kid1| Error negotiating SSL connection on FD 11: error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1) (1/-1)


当我尝试使用openssl s_client然后GET https://github.com像这样:

openssl s_client -cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/test.internal/cert.pem -key /etc/letsencrypt/live/test.internal/privkey.pem -connect squid.internal:3128


从 squid 记录:

07/Jul/2021:14:33:24 +0000 1625668404.188    369 TCP_MISS/200 227308 GET https://github.com/ - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html "/CN=test.internal"
07/Jul/2021:14:33:50 +0000 1625668430.041     25 TCP_MISS/200 227578 GET https://github.com/ - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html "/CN=test.internal"
07/Jul/2021:14:33:55 +0000 1625668435.218     39 TCP_MISS/200 227580 GET https://github.com/ - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html "/CN=test.internal"




Squid 配置中有趣的一点是:

client_idle_pconn_timeout 5 minutes
client_persistent_connections on
pconn_lifetime 0

换句话说,一旦客户端连接到代理,就会建立一个持久连接,并且在 5 分钟的空闲时间后关闭该连接。


  • 禁用client_persistent_connections。这实际上意味着每次新的 TCP 握手都被视为全新的,这可能会对整体性能产生影响,但应该可以解决你的问题

  • 明确增加可以支持的来自同一源 IP 的同时连接数。您可以通过设置 ACL 来实现limitusercon maxconn 5(或其他数字)。

  • 将空闲超时时间增加到更大的值。这也会对性能产生影响(它会让连接长时间保持运行,这会耗尽您的资源)。

