根据查询字符串的 Nginx 重定向

根据查询字符串的 Nginx 重定向



旧链接 新链接
http://example.com/?p=contact /接触
http://example.com/?p=static&id=career /职业
http://example.com/?p=static&id=about /关于
http://example.com/?p=catalog&action=images&cat_id=1 /产品类别/类别-slug-1
http://example.com/?p=catalog&action=images&cat_id=2 /产品类别/类别-slug-2
http://example.com/?p=catalog&action=viewimages&pid=1&cat_id=1 /产品/产品-slug-1
http://example.com/?p=catalog&action=viewimages&pid=2&cat_id=3 /产品/产品-slug-2


在我知道不支持嵌套 if 之前,我曾尝试过此方法。

location / {
    if ($arg_p = contact) { return 301 /contact; }
    if ($arg_p = static) { 
        if ($arg_id = career) { return 301 /career; }
        # other static pages redirect to /about
        return 301 /about;

    if ($arg_p = catalog) {
        if ($arg_action = images) {
            if ($arg_cat_id = 1) { return 301 /product-category/category-slug-1; }
            if ($arg_cat_id = 2) { return 301 /product-category/category-slug-2; }
            # other unlisted categories should redirect to /product-categories
            return 301 /product-categories;
        if ($arg_action = viewimages) {
            if ($arg_pid = 1) { return 301 /product/product-slug-1/; }
            if ($arg_pid = 2) { return 301 /product/product-slug-2/; }
        # other unlisted links defaults to /products
        return 301 /products;




map $arg_p $url_p {
    contact    /contact;
    static     $url_id;
    catalog    $url_action;
    # default value will be an empty string

map $arg_id $url_id {
    career     /career;
    about      /about;
    # other static pages redirect to /about
    default    /about;

map $arg_action $url_action {
    images     $url_cat_id;
    viewimages $url_pid;
    # other unlisted actions defaults to /products
    default    /products;

map $arg_cat_id $url_cat_id {
    1          /product-category/category-slug-1;
    2          /product-category/category-slug-2;
    # other unlisted categories should redirect to /product-categories
    default    /product-categories;

map $arg_pid $url_pid {
    1          /product/product-slug-1;
    2          /product/product-slug-2;
    # other unlisted products defaults to /products
    default    /products;

server {
    listen ...
    server_name ...
    if ($url_p) { # if '$url_p' variable is not an empty string
        return 301 $url_p;
    location / {

一些map块可以缩短,例如,假设您有 3 个静态页面/career/clients“默认”页面/about、5 个类别和 45 个产品:

map $arg_id $url_id {
    ~^(career|clients)$        /$1;
    default                    /about;

map $arg_cat_id $url_cat_id {
    ~^([1-5])$                 /product-category/category-slug-$1;
    default                    /product-categories;

map $arg_pid $url_pid {
    ~^([1-9]|[1-3]\d|4[0-5])$  /product/product-slug-$1;
    default                    /products;


OP 表示他无法使用map指令,因为他无权访问完整的 nginx 配置,而只能server阻止内容。虽然以前的解决方案更加优雅(并且在性能方面应该更有效),但仅使用块也可以实现相同的效果if

if ($arg_p = contact) { return 301 /contact; }

if ($arg_p = static) { set $page static_$arg_id; }
if ($page = static_career) { return 301 /career; }
if ($page) { return 301 /about; } # anything that is not 'career' redirected to '/about'

if ($arg_p = catalog) { set $action $arg_action; }

if ($action = images) { set $page category_$arg_cat_id; }
if ($page = category_1) { return 301 /product-category/category-a; }
if ($page = category_2) { return 301 /product-category/category-b; }
# ... other categories
if ($action = images) { return 301 /product-categories; } # unlisted category specified

if ($action = viewimages) { set $page product_$arg_pid; }
if ($page = product_1) { return 301 /product/product-a; }
if ($page = product_2) { return 301 /product/product-b; }
# ... other products
if ($action = viewimages) { return 301 /products; } # unlisted product specified

# if you want to process any unlisted action in some special way
# if ($action) { ... } # 'action' query argument neither 'images' nor 'viewimages'




location / {
  if ($arg_p = contact) { return 301 /contact; }
  if ($args ~ p=static&id=career) { return 301 /career; }
  if ($arg_p = static) { return 301 /about; }
  if ($args ~ p=catalog&action=images&cat_id=1) { return 301 /product-category/category-a; }
  if ($args ~ p=catalog&action=images&cat_id=2) { return 301 /product-category/category-b; }
  # and other cat_id
  if ($args ~ p=catalog&action=viewimages&pid=1&cat_id=1) { return 301 /product/product-a; }
  if ($args ~ p=catalog&action=viewimages&pid=2&cat_id=1) { return 301 /product/product-b; }
  # and other pid
  if ($arg_p = catalog) { return 301 /products; } #other p=catalog defaults to /products
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;

它可以工作,但是它无法处理查询参数顺序未写在下面的情况,例如/?id=career&p=static(id 和 p 被切换)



编辑:对于动态顺序查询参数和更清晰的 if,请参阅Ivan Shatsky 的回答
