我使用的是 Ubuntu 14.04,并且非常享受自动内核安全更新。当内核安全问题被修补时,新版本将附带一个新软件包。我的计算机配置为每半小时扫描一次新的安全更新并自动安装它们。我不必查看邮件列表或 CVE,并且可以获得补丁。这是一个很好的系统。
我本来想跑步网络安全,但它们要求您修补并手动重新编译内核。这有点问题,因为我可能会错过 Ubuntu 上游提供的内核安全更新。
您确定需要自动内核重新编译吗?如果您使用 Ubuntu 存储库下载安全更新,则无需编译它们。否则你的问题就缺少这一点。
# Automated Kernel Recompilation By Avinash Shankar
# Note: This was done under RH-7.3 so plz verify the paths
# Warning: Please run the Script under Xwindows
#going to kernel sources directory:
echo Entering Kernel Source Directory................
cd /usr/src/linux-2.4/
#Cleaning dep files and objs:
echo Cleaning up Junk files..................
make clean
#Configuring your New Kernel:
echo Entering Graphical kernel config.....................
make xconfig
#Making the dependencies files:
echo Making the dependecies ..................
make dep
#Backing up old module files
echo All your module files and system.map files backed up ................
mv /lib/modules/2.4.18-3/modules.dep modules.dep.old
mv /usr/src/linux-2.4/System.map System.map.old
#Make a compressed kernel:
echo Compressing the kernel image ..............................................
make bzImage
#Copy the Image to /boot directory
echo Copying the bzImage to /boot Directory......................................................
cp /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot
#Make the modules :
echo Compiling the Modules ...............................
make modules
#Make the Installable modules used by the new kernel
echo Making the modules executable ...................................
make modules_install
#copy the System.map file to /boot
echo Copying System.map file to /boot ....................................
cp /usr/src/linux-2.4/System.map /boot
echo Thats it you are finished ! Cool now edit the lilo.conf or your grub.conf file
echo located in the /boot directory. Copy the kernel entries and replace kernel with
echo the bzImage file and the initrd entry with System.map
还有这几天实时内核修补是会让你的生活更轻松的东西。不幸的是它仅对 Ubuntu 16.04 有效
自从大约 18 个月前发布 Linux 4.0 内核以来,用户已经能够在不重新启动的情况下修补和更新其内核软件包。