我编写了一个 PowerShell 脚本,用于比较我们应用服务器集群的两个节点之间的计划任务。它使用此代码查询给定服务器的任务...
function getTasks($server) {
return Get-ScheduledTask -CimSession $server |
Where-Object TaskPath -like '*OurFolder*' |
ForEach-Object {
Server = $server
Path = $_.TaskPath
Name = $_.TaskName
Disabled = ($_.State -eq 'Disabled')
Command = $_.Actions.Execute
Arguments = $_.Actions.Arguments
Interval = $_.Triggers.RepetitionInterval
HashId = "$($_.Actions.Execute)|$($_.Actions.Arguments)"
HashFull = "$($_.TaskPath)|$($_.TaskName)|$($_.Actions.Execute)|$($_.Actions.Arguments)|$(($_.State -eq 'Disabled'))"
Get-ScheduledTask : SERVER.domain.local: Cannot connect to CIM server. Access is denied.
At F:\Applications\TaskSchedulerNodeCompare\compare-nodes.ps1:9 char:12
+ return Get-ScheduledTask -CimSession $server |
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (MSFT_ScheduledTask:String) [Get-ScheduledTask], CimJobException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CimJob_BrokenCimSession,Get-ScheduledTask
通过谷歌搜索并查看外观允许帐户访问此列表的唯一方法是将其添加到相关服务器上的 LocalAdmins?但将我们的服务帐户设为本地管理员确实感觉不对,而且我们显然不想在我的域管理员帐户下运行该任务。
我试过了解决方案 3 点击此处, 哪个声音就像它会是它一样……
1. As an Administrator of the server, go to Server Manager -> Tools -> Computer Management. On the left expand "Services and Applications" and right click "WMI Control". Go to "Properties".
2. In the newly open Window, click on Security tab.
3. Expand Root tree, and then click on the node CIMV2, and click the button security
4. In the newly open Window, click the button Advanced.
5. In the newly open Window, click the button Add under the permission tab.
6. In the newly open Window, click on “select a principal", then search for the user you that was having the problem.
7. In the applies to, choose “this namespace and subnamespace".
8. For the permission, check on “Execute Methods", “Enable Accounts" and “Remote Enable"
9. Click accept on all the open dialogue boxes
10. Restart WMI services. As an Admininstrator of the server, go to Server Manager -> Tools -> Computer Management. On the left expand "Services and Applications" and click on "Services". Go to "Windows Management Instrumentation" and right click it. Then choose "Restart".
11. Try the command again. The above directions were adapted from this StackOverflow posting.
另外,看到这个看起来非常相似的问题/答案: 计划任务的权限或 ACL