修复 502 错误网关

修复 502 错误网关

我在 Ubuntu 服务器 (digital ocean) 上运行 Nginx,我已设置 LEMP 堆栈来托管 Wordpress 网站。我得到了501 网关错误当我尝试使用 IP 地址访问网站时。


2022/05/24 14:43:52 [error] 199802#199802: *3 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /ttemp.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: ""
2022/05/24 14:43:52 [error] 199802#199802: *3 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "", referrer: ""

这是我的 Nginx 配置:

server {
    listen       80;
    listen       443 ssl;
    ssl_certificate /var/www/ssl/default.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /var/www/ssl/default.key;
    server_name localhost mydomain.com www.mydomain.com;

    root /var/www/mydomain.com;

    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log info;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
        index  index.html index.htm index.php;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        try_files $uri =404;
        fastcgi_index  index.php;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        include        fastcgi_params;


我的 UFW 状态:

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
Nginx HTTP                 ALLOW       Anywhere
Nginx HTTPS                ALLOW       Anywhere
22/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere
22                         ALLOW       Anywhere
2222                       ALLOW       Anywhere
3306                       ALLOW       Anywhere
80                         ALLOW       Anywhere
443                        ALLOW       Anywhere
9000                       ALLOW       Anywhere
Nginx HTTP (v6)            ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
Nginx HTTPS (v6)           ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
22/tcp (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
22 (v6)                    ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
2222 (v6)                  ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
3306 (v6)                  ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
80 (v6)                    ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
443 (v6)                   ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
9000 (v6)                  ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)

