分区时 Dell R730xd 中的多个驱动器发生故障

分区时 Dell R730xd 中的多个驱动器发生故障

我有一台二手(对我来说是新的)戴尔 R730xd,运行 2 个虚拟磁盘。第一个由 RAID 1 中的 2 个 600GB 驱动器组成,第二个由 RAID 10 中的 10 个 6TB 驱动器组成。第一个虚拟驱动器运行良好,没有任何问题。每当我尝试对第二个虚拟驱动器进行分区时,它都会导致多个物理驱动器故障。





更新 1:

我更换了 RAID 控制器,但它还是出现同样的问题。当我尝试在 Proxmox 中“使用 gpt 初始化”时,多个驱动器立即出现故障。实际上,任何涉及写入驱动器的操作都是如此。没有关于哪个驱动器将发生故障的规律,目前每个插槽中的驱动器都已发生故障。

BIOS 和 RAID 控制器固件是最新版本。

尝试了不同的块大小、不同的 RAID 配置(5、10、60),但仍然没有结果。虽然我总是很感激不加解释的反对意见,但如果有人能提出问题来澄清我是否遗漏了任何信息或这篇文章是否发布在了错误的地方,那将很有帮助。

更新 2

电源应该足够。我尝试了另一个测试,看看运行较少数量的驱动器阵列是否可行。我创建了 2 个新的虚拟磁盘,在一个虚拟磁盘中放入 4 个物理磁盘,在另一个虚拟磁盘中放入 6 个物理磁盘,并将两个虚拟磁盘设置为 RAID 10。对两个虚拟磁盘都进行了完全初始化。在对 6 个驱动器阵列进行分区后的几秒钟内,3 个驱动器进入故障状态,当我在 4 个驱动器阵列上尝试相同操作时,1 个驱动器进入故障状态。

输出自megacli -pdlist -a0

Adapter #0

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 0
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 0, Span: 0, Arm: 0
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 0
WWN: 5000CCA01828F9E3
Sequence Number: 2
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 558.911 GB [0x45dd2fb0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 558.411 GB [0x45cd2fb0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 558.375 GB [0x45cc0000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  512
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: NA02
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000cca01828f9e1
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: NETAPP  X412_HVIPC560A15NA02JZVRJLJM            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :38C (100.40 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 1
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 0, Span: 0, Arm: 1
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 1
WWN: 5000CCA02A4561D7
Sequence Number: 2
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 558.911 GB [0x45dd2fb0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 558.411 GB [0x45cd2fb0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 558.375 GB [0x45cc0000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  512
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: NA04
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000cca02a4561d5
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: NETAPP  X412_HVIPC560A15NA04LXW74WLM            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :39C (102.20 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 2
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 1, Span: 0, Arm: 0
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 2
WWN: 5000C50085461B30
Sequence Number: 4
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: NE03
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c50085461b31
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST6000NM0034    NE03Z4D4BL0N            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :38C (100.40 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  Yes 
PI: PI with type 2
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 3
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 1, Span: 0, Arm: 1
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 3
WWN: 5000C500856F44F4
Sequence Number: 6
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 7
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Failed
Device Firmware Level: 7FA6
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500856f44f5
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE DKS2F-H6R0SS    7FA6Z4D4HCAZ            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :39C (102.20 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 4
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 1, Span: 0, Arm: 2
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 4
WWN: 5000C500856F7048
Sequence Number: 5
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 7
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Failed
Device Firmware Level: 7FA6
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500856f7049
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE DKS2F-H6R0SS    7FA6Z4D4HKJV            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :41C (105.80 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 5
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 1, Span: 0, Arm: 3
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 5
WWN: 5000C500856F5378
Sequence Number: 5
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 7
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Failed
Device Firmware Level: 7FA6
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500856f5379
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE DKS2F-H6R0SS    7FA6Z4D4HBXM            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :39C (102.20 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 6
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 2, Span: 0, Arm: 0
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 6
WWN: 5000C500864616E0
Sequence Number: 4
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: E0B1
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500864616e1
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST6000NM0034    E0B1Z4D4V84C            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :40C (104.00 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 7
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 2, Span: 0, Arm: 1
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 7
WWN: 5000C50097C3CFDC
Sequence Number: 4
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: MS2D
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c50097c3cfdd
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST6000NM0034    MS2DS4D0ZZZ2            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive Temperature :41C (105.80 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 8
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 2, Span: 0, Arm: 2
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 8
WWN: 5000C500856F26E8
Sequence Number: 4
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: 7FA6
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500856f26e9
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE DKS2F-H6R0SS    7FA6Z4D4HKS2            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :39C (102.20 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 9
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 2, Span: 0, Arm: 3
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 9
WWN: 5000C500856F57E8
Sequence Number: 4
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: 7FA6
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500856f57e9
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE DKS2F-H6R0SS    7FA6Z4D4HKL0            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :41C (105.80 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 10
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 2, Span: 0, Arm: 4
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 10
WWN: 5000C500856F5384
Sequence Number: 6
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 7
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Failed
Device Firmware Level: 7FA6
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500856f5385
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE DKS2F-H6R0SS    7FA6Z4D4HBXE            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :44C (111.20 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Enclosure Device ID: 32
Slot Number: 11
Drive's position: DiskGroup: 2, Span: 0, Arm: 5
Enclosure position: 1
Device Id: 11
WWN: 5000C50084938704
Sequence Number: 4
Media Error Count: 0
Other Error Count: 0
Predictive Failure Count: 0
Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
PD Type: SAS

Raw Size: 5.458 TB [0x2baa0f4b0 Sectors]
Non Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba90f4b0 Sectors]
Coerced Size: 5.457 TB [0x2ba900000 Sectors]
Sector Size:  512
Logical Sector Size:  512
Physical Sector Size:  4096
Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
Device Firmware Level: E0B1
Shield Counter: 0
Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
SAS Address(0): 0x5000c50084938705
SAS Address(1): 0x0
Connected Port Number: 0(path0) 
Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST6000NM0034    E0B1Z4D3GAJ4            
FDE Capable: Not Capable
FDE Enable: Disable
Secured: Unsecured
Locked: Unlocked
Needs EKM Attention: No
Foreign State: None 
Device Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Link Speed: 12.0Gb/s 
Media Type: Hard Disk Device
Drive:  Not Certified
Drive Temperature :41C (105.80 F)
PI Eligibility:  No 
Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
Port-0 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Port-1 :
Port status: Active
Port's Linkspeed: 12.0Gb/s 
Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No

Exit Code: 0x00

smartctl --all /dev/sdc -d megaraid,3 的输出

smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-linux-5.15.102-1-pve] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Vendor:               SEAGATE
Product:              DKS2F-H6R0SS
Revision:             7FA6
Compliance:           SPC-3
User Capacity:        6,001,175,126,016 bytes [6.00 TB]
Logical block size:   512 bytes
Physical block size:  4096 bytes
LU is fully provisioned
Rotation Rate:        7200 rpm
Form Factor:          3.5 inches
Logical Unit id:      0x5000c500856f44f7
Serial number:        Z4D4HCAZ0000R642M38L
Device type:          disk
Transport protocol:   SAS (SPL-3)
Local Time is:        Sat Jun 24 15:47:16 2023 EDT
SMART support is:     Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is:     Enabled
Temperature Warning:  Disabled or Not Supported

SMART Health Status: OK

Grown defects during certification = 0
Total blocks reassigned during format = 0
Total new blocks reassigned = 0
Power on minutes since format = 2930556
Current Drive Temperature:     39 C
Drive Trip Temperature:        68 C

Accumulated power on time, hours:minutes 49036:01
Manufactured in week 20 of year 2016
Specified cycle count over device lifetime:  10000
Accumulated start-stop cycles:  287
Specified load-unload count over device lifetime:  300000
Accumulated load-unload cycles:  2313
Elements in grown defect list: 0

Vendor (Seagate Cache) information
  Blocks sent to initiator = 2839836544
  Blocks received from initiator = 3640828640
  Blocks read from cache and sent to initiator = 3518
  Number of read and write commands whose size <= segment size = 5252389
  Number of read and write commands whose size > segment size = 0

Vendor (Seagate/Hitachi) factory information
  number of hours powered up = 49036.02
  number of minutes until next internal SMART test = 36

Error counter log:
           Errors Corrected by           Total   Correction     Gigabytes    Total
               ECC          rereads/    errors   algorithm      processed    uncorrected
           fast | delayed   rewrites  corrected  invocations   [10^9 bytes]  errors
read:    7613600        0         0   7613600          0       2081.725           0
write:         0        0         0         0          0       6266.395           0
verify: 2930355543        0         0  2930355543          0       6001.367           0

Non-medium error count:        0

[GLTSD (Global Logging Target Save Disable) set. Enable Save with '-S on']
SMART Self-test log
Num  Test              Status                 segment  LifeTime  LBA_first_err [SK ASC ASQ]
     Description                              number   (hours)
# 1  Background short  Completed                   -   48763                 - [-   -    -]

Long (extended) Self-test duration: 5 seconds [0.1 minutes]



还应该提到,导致失败的格式化尝试是通过 Proxmox“使用 GPT 初始化磁盘”工具进行的。我还尝试使用 gparted 和 fdisk 进行格式化,结果相同。


更新 3

我尝试用戴尔硬盘(而不是希捷硬盘)替换阵列中一直出现故障的所有 10 个硬盘。大小和转速相同。构建了一个 RAID 10 阵列,在快速初始化期间,阵列中的第一个硬盘出现故障。删除虚拟驱动器,用另一个驱动器替换出现故障的驱动器,构建另一个 RAID 10 阵列,在快速初始化时,该驱动器也出现故障。


更新 4

安装新驱动器后,我物理移除了其中 6 个,并尝试在剩余的 4 个驱动器上形成 RAID10 阵列(包括一直出现故障的插槽中的一个)。这有效,似乎表明背板存在电源问题。为了确认,我尝试用所有 10 个驱动器形成 RAID10 阵列,它没有出现预期的故障,而是成功了。设置 Proxmox,并开始尽可能多地进行读/写,到目前为止,一切都顺利。现在我很困惑。不想抱怨有些东西在工作,但绝对没有指望驱动器能够成功初始化。想知道我第一次尝试安装所有 10 个驱动器时是否忘记删除外部配置或其他东西。

