插件,它说'cpu' tried to instance a plugin name that don't exists
fluent-bit -i cpu -o stdout -vv
Fluent Bit v2.2.0
* Copyright (C) 2015-2023 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
* https://fluentbit.io
[2023/12/08 08:35:37] [error] [config] section 'cpu' tried to instance a plugin name that don't exists
[2023/12/08 08:35:37] [error] configuration file contains errors, aborting.
只需使用并向下滚动到列出所有输入的fluent-bit --help
例如在 macOS 中:
fluent-bit --help
Usage: fluent-bit [OPTION]
Available Options
node_exporter_metrics Node Exporter Metrics (Prometheus Compatible)
kubernetes_events Kubernetes Events
kafka Kafka consumer input plugin
fluentbit_metrics Fluent Bit internal metrics
prometheus_scrape Scrape metrics from Prometheus Endpoint
tail Tail files
dummy Generate dummy data
head Head Input
health Check TCP server health
http HTTP
collectd collectd input plugin
statsd StatsD input plugin
opentelemetry OpenTelemetry
elasticsearch HTTP Endpoints for Elasticsearch (Bulk API)
splunk Input plugin for Splunk HEC payloads
event_test Event tests for input plugins
event_type Event tests for input plugins
nginx_metrics Nginx status metrics
serial Serial input
stdin Standard Input
syslog Syslog
exec Exec Input
udp UDP
exec_wasi Exec WASI Input
tcp TCP
mqtt MQTT, listen for Publish messages
forward Fluentd in-forward
random Random