获取使用 TLS_1.0 的 Azure 存储帐户列表

获取使用 TLS_1.0 的 Azure 存储帐户列表


Azure 对 TLS 1.0 和 1.1 的支持将于 2024 年 10 月 31 日结束。我需要升级每个存储帐户 MinimumTlsVersion属性。

虽然有办法做到这一点(pwsh,Portal,ARM),但我很好奇是否有办法获取使用 TLS <1.2 的所有存储的列表。

# Ensure you're logged in to Azure
# Connect-AzAccount

# Set your Azure subscription ID
$subscriptionId = "your-subscription-id"

# Select the Azure subscription
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

# Get all Storage accounts in the subscription
$storageAccounts = Get-AzStorageAccount

# Initialize an empty array to hold Storage accounts with TLS 1.0
$storagesUsingTls1_0 = @()

foreach ($storage in $storageAccounts) {
    try {
        # Attempt to fetch the storage account properties, including the minimum TLS version
        $storageProps = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $storage.ResourceGroupName -AccountName $storage.StorageAccountName
        $tlsSetting = $storageProps.Encryption.MinimumTlsVersion
        # Check if the TLS version is 1.0
        if ($tlsSetting -eq "TLS1_0") {
            # Add to the list
            $storagesUsingTls1_0 += $storage
    } catch {
        Write-Host "Error retrieving TLS settings for storage account: $($storage.StorageAccountName)"

# Output the Storage accounts using TLS 1.0
$storagesUsingTls1_0 | Format-Table StorageAccountName, ResourceGroupName, Location, @{Name="TLS Version"; Expression={$_.Encryption.MinimumTlsVersion}}


如果您的问题只是查看所有 TLS 版本不是 1.2 的存储帐户,我建议您使用 Azure Resource Graph Explorer。它在 Azure 门户中可用(只需搜索它)并允许您查询 Azure 资源。以下查询将为您提供所有未使用 TLS 版本 1.2 的存储帐户:

| where type == "microsoft.storage/storageaccounts"
| where properties['minimumTlsVersion'] != "TLS1_2"
| project name, resourceGroup, properties.minimumTlsVersion
