zsh-newuser-install 不起作用

zsh-newuser-install 不起作用

我最近开始使用 zsh 作为 Fedora 系统上的默认 shell。今天我安装了一个新的 CentOS 6.7 系统,并在为 userx 安装 zsh 后更改了 shell,使用:

[tu3@TestC001 ~]$ chsh -s /bin/zsh

zsh配置菜单没有出现。于是上网搜索,发现我们可以重新运行下面的命令来获取 zsh 配置菜单。所以我切换到 zsh shell 并运行以下命令:

[tu3@TestC001]~% autoload -Uz zsh-newuser-install; zsh-newuser-install -f
[tu3@TestC001]~% echo $?

但是,即使这样做之后,zsh 配置菜单也没有出现并echo $?返回 1。我做错了什么?




[tu3@TestC001]~% tput cols
[tu3@TestC001]~% autoload -Uz zsh-newuser-install; zsh-newuser-install  -f

当终端未最大化时,命令失败,没有给出任何警告或原因,一段时间后,我在最大化的终端窗口中运行相同的命令(或者更确切地说,当列数大于 71 时),该命令自动为我提供配置菜单。

[tu3@TestC001]~% tput cols
[tu3@TestC001]~% autoload -Uz zsh-newuser-install; zsh-newuser-install -f
Attempting to extract information from manual pages...
Please pick one of the following options:

(1)  Configure settings for history, i.e. command lines remembered
     and saved by the shell.  (Recommended.)

(2)  Configure the new completion system.  (Recommended.)

(3)  Configure how keys behave when editing command lines.  (Recommended.)

(4)  Pick some of the more common shell options.  These are simple "on"
     or "off" switches controlling the shell's features.

(0)  Exit, leaving the existing ~/.zshrc alone.

(a)  Abort all settings and start from scratch.  Note this will overwrite
     any settings from zsh-newuser-install already in the startup file.
     It will not alter any of your other settings, however.

(q)  Quit and do nothing else.
--- Type one of the keys in parentheses --- q

我认为,如果该命令向我发出警告,表明我正在使用小窗口,将会有助于解决问题,而不会造成如此多的混乱。类似于 ncdu 命令的作用。无论如何,我正在考虑为此编写一个小补丁。

ncdu 命令如何在终端尺寸较小的情况下显示警告的示例:

[tu1@TestC001]~% ncdu ~
Warning: terminal too small,
 please either resize your terminal,
 press i to ignore, or press q to quit.
