无法通过 Samba 从 Windows 连接到主目录

无法通过 Samba 从 Windows 连接到主目录

我更改了 Suse 机器上的 Linux 用户“user123”的密码,并注意到我用来从 Windows 访问其主目录的先前有效的 Samba 登录名并没有随之更改。因此我这样做是为了确保 2 个密码相同:

smbpasswd -x user123; smbpasswd -a user123; smbpasswd -e user123
Failed to find entry for user user123.
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user user123.
Enabled user user123.

之后,我发现我无法再访问该目录 (/home/user123)。当我按下以查看更多详细信息时,Windows 的响应是“我无权访问 \ip.of.samba.share\user123”这是我的 smb.conf 文件:

# smb.conf is the main Samba configuration file. You find a full commented
# version at /usr/share/doc/packages/samba/examples/smb.conf.SUSE if the
# samba-doc package is installed.
# Date: 2010-07-05
        workgroup = WORKGROUP
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        printing = cups
        printcap name = cups
        printcap cache time = 750
        cups options = raw
        map to guest = Bad User
        include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf
        logon path = \\%L\profiles\.msprofile
        logon home = \\%L\%U\.9xprofile
        logon drive = P:
        usershare allow guests = Yes
        add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd  -c Machine -d /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %m$
        domain logons = No
        domain master = No
        security = user
        comment = Home Directories
        valid users = %S, %D%w%S
        browseable = Yes
        read only = No
        inherit acls = Yes
        comment = Network Profiles Service
        path = %H
        read only = No
        store dos attributes = Yes
        create mask = 0600
        directory mask = 0700
        comment = All users
        path = /home
        read only = No
        inherit acls = Yes
        veto files = /aquota.user/groups/shares/
        comment = All groups
        path = /home/groups
        read only = No
        inherit acls = Yes
        comment = All Printers
        path = /var/tmp
        printable = Yes
        create mask = 0600
        browseable = No
        comment = Printer Drivers
        path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
        write list = @ntadmin root
        force group = ntadmin
        create mask = 0664
        directory mask = 0775

## Share disabled by YaST
# [netlogon]

顺便说一下,我已经重新启动了 Samba:

/etc/init.d/smb restart
Shutting down Samba SMB daemon  done
Starting Samba SMB daemon   done



为什么不更改 Windows 中存储的密码?Windows 中存储的密码(如果存储)是用于向 samba 共享验证 Windows 工作站/用户的密码。请尝试更改 Windows 中存储的密码。
