卸载 ubuntu 服务器和 grub 菜单

卸载 ubuntu 服务器和 grub 菜单

我在笔记本电脑的不同驱动器上安装了 ubuntu server 11.10 和 win 7(双启动)。有人能告诉我如何删除 ubuntu server 和 grub loader 吗?我尝试登录 win 7 并格式化我的 ubuntu server 驱动器。但是它不起作用。启动时它只会给我 grub 错误。谢谢。


您可以使用 *buntu 安装 CD/USB 或任何其他具有 Gparted 的 CD/USB 或其他能够识别 Linux 分区的软件来格式化分区。至于 MBR,可能只需保留它即可,尽管您也可以用 覆盖它dd。只需确保选择正确的设备即可。小心这一点!

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=1


    5 min maximum . Uninstall UBUNTU  Dual Boot Win 7 .

To remove Ubuntu  installation, which is dual booted with windows 7, You want to make     sure  windows 7 can still work.
. you need win7 installation disk , put it in.
. restart your computer, set the boot priority from bios setting cd or flashdrive 
. When windows 7 installation comes up, choose repair
. choose repair this computer with recovery tool, click next
. choose command prompt
. enter this command
. bootRec.exe /fixmbr
. reboot your pc.
. go to control panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > choose Disk Management  (on your left)
. You will see your computer partitions, delete your UBUNTU SERVER partition by right click > delete Volume
. after it is deleted you will have new disk space.
.Do not format 
. reinstall ubuntu or Linux if you wish and you will have a fresh copy
