apt 正在尝试删除 linux-image-3.8.11

apt 正在尝试删除 linux-image-3.8.11

我正在我的 chromebook 上运行 Crouton。每次我尝试安装软件包时,apt都会尝试删除linux-image-3.8.11.它最初尝试在安装软件包时安装它(安装程序说它已经存在并退出)。我的问题是,是否有一种方法可以假装apt该软件包未安装,这样我就可以继续使用我的计算机,而不必在每次安装软件包时尝试卸载它。

我刚刚试着拿着包裹,但现在我明白了E: Can't find a source to download version '20160402' of 'linux-image-3.8.11:amd64'

apt认为该软件包既没有安装也没有卸载,并且由于这是在没有内核访问权限的 chroot 中运行的用户空间中,所以我无法真正修改内核。我主要想做的是傻瓜容易认为该软件包已安装。 EG 使安装和/或卸载脚本不执行任何操作并报告成功。那对我来说就好了。


Package: linux-image-3.8.11
Status: deinstall ok half-installed
Priority: optional
Section: kernel
Installed-Size: 19919
Maintainer: Unknown Kernel Package Maintainer <[email protected]>
Architecture: amd64
Source: linux-source-3.8.11
Version: 20160402
Config-Version: 20160402
Provides: linux-image, linux-image-3.8
Depends: coreutils (>= 5.96), initramfs-tools | linux-initramfs-tool
Pre-Depends: debconf (>= 0.2.17) | debconf-2.0
Suggests: fdutils, linux-doc-3.8.11 | linux-source-3.8.11, ksymoops, linux-image-3.8.11-dbg
Description: Linux kernel binary image for version 3.8.11
 This package contains the Linux kernel image for version
 It also contains the corresponding System.map file, and the modules
 built by the packager.  It also contains scripts that try to ensure
 that the system is not left in a unbootable state after an update.
 Kernel image packages are generally produced using kernel-package,
 and it is suggested that you install that package if you wish to
 create a custom kernel from the sources. Please look at kernel-img.conf(5),
 and /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz  from the package kernel-package
 for details on how to tailor the  installation of this or any other kernel
 image package

我是否只需将 deinstall ok half-installed 更改为其他内容?


linux-image-3.8.11我刚刚删除了from 的软件包信息/var/lib/dpkg/status,这似乎有效。我能够安装,cowsay所以问题似乎已经解决。谢谢。
