PowerTOP:为什么“Power est”值的总和远小于放电率?

PowerTOP:为什么“Power est”值的总和远小于放电率?

Ubuntu 13.10我在笔记本电脑上运行MSI gs70 Stealth。当我运行时powertop 2.4,我看到:

The battery reports a discharge rate of 38.1 W The estimated remaining time is 0 hours, 5 minutes

Summary: 1524,0 wakeups/second,  56,0 GPU ops/seconds, 0,0 VFS ops/sec and 28,3% CPU use

Power est.              Usage       Events/s    Category       Description
  6.97 W     96,7%                      Device         Display backlight
  1.19 W     18,9 ms/s     296,8        Interrupt      [6] tasklet(softirq)   586 mW      1,2 ms/s     146,8        kWork         od_dbs_timer   525 mW      7,0 ms/s     130,8        Process        smbd -F   454 mW      3,1 ms/s     113,4        Timer          hrtimer_wakeup   450 mW      3,4 ms/s     113,5        Process        /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog   445 mW     10,5 ms/s 100,6        Process        /opt/google/chrome/chrome
--no-startup-window   398 mW     20,4 ms/s      91,5        Process        compiz   369 mW      1,1 ms/s      92,4        Process        [rcu_sched]   323 mW     79,0 ms/s      72,7        Process        /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US
--force-fieldtrials=AutocompleteDynamicTrial_2/DefaultControl_R2_Stable/ 301 mW     35,1 ms/s      67,6        Process        /usr/bin/tilda   230 mW      1,8 ms/s      57,5        Timer          tick_sched_timer  163 mW      3,9 ms/s      40,4        Interrupt      [46] i915   158 mW     10,7 ms/s      38,5        Process        /usr/bin/ibus-daemon
--daemonize --xim
 89.6 mW     21,9 ms/s      20,1        Process        /usr/bin/X -core :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
 86.9 mW      2,0 ms/s      21,6        Interrupt      PS/2 Touchpad / Keyboard / Mouse
 73.7 mW      3,0 ms/s      18,1        Process        /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-engine-simple
 69.0 mW    169,3 µs/s      17,3        kWork          flush_to_ldisc
 67.2 mW    149,9 µs/s      16,8        kWork          intel_unpin_work_fn
 47.2 mW     11,5 ms/s      10,6        Process        /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service
 43.3 mW    321,8 µs/s      10,8        Process        java -jar Downloads/tomighty-0.7.1.jar
 42.3 mW      3,7 ms/s      10,2        Process        /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US
 30.7 mW      6,9 ms/s       7,0        Process        powertop
 30.7 mW      1,0 ms/s       7,6        Process        zeitgeist-datahub
 29.8 mW      1,4 ms/s       7,3        Process        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-application-service
 28.0 mW     36,6 µs/s       7,0        kWork          console_callback
 26.8 mW      3,4 ms/s       6,4        Process        indicator-multiload
 25.0 mW    126,9 µs/s       5,6        Process        syndaemon -i 1.0 -t -K -R
 23.4 mW     87,2 µs/s       5,8        kWork          ieee80211_iface_work
 20.4 mW      6,7 ms/s       4,4        Process        /opt/google/chrome/chrome --type=renderer --lang=en-US
 19.9 mW    236,9 µs/s       5,0        Process        [rcuos/7]
 16.6 mW    648,9 µs/s       4,1        Process        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/bamf/bamfdaemon
 16.2 mW    687,7 µs/s       4,0        Process        /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator
 15.1 mW      3,3 ms/s       3,4        Process        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hud/hud-service
 14.5 mW    391,1 µs/s       3,6        Interrupt      [1] i8042
 10.9 mW    248,1 µs/s       2,7        Interrupt      [4] block(softirq)

为什么如果我将列中的所有值相加,Power est.却得不到38.1W放电率,而只能得到类似的结果8~9W


电池报告放电率为38.1 W

该值是通过 ACPI 直接从电池/主板读取的,应该可以相对准确地反映正确的用电量(但并非在所有设备上都如此)。但是,如果电池报告始终不准确,则估算的电量仍应与其相符。

“功率估计”列中的值是 PowerTOP 通过观察不同负载和显示器亮度下的功耗估算得出的。当显示器关闭且处理器(和 GPU)处于睡眠状态时,PowerTOP 会获取基准功率。除此之外,还有功率估算。

没有机制来获取单个组件或进程的功耗。例如,某些外围设备可能会消耗大量电量,但 PowerTOP 无法测量。最好显示每个进程影响的最佳估计值,并有(相对较大)未说明的使用量,而不是缩放估计值以匹配放电率。

为了改进估算,您可以尝试使用以下方法(重新)校准 PowerTOP

powertop --calibrate

man 8 powertop

    runs powertop in calibration mode. When running on battery, 
    powertop can track power consumption as well as system activity. 
    When there are enough measurements, powertop can start to report 
    power  estimates.  One can get more accurate estimates by using 
    this option to enable a calibration cycle. This will cycle through 
    various display levesl (sic) and USB device activities and workloads.

尝试在未插电充电器的情况下运行校准。您的笔记本电脑报告电池充电状态错误或您在 PowerTOP 中遇到错误的可能性很小。
