Crunch 创建了一本非常大的词典

Crunch 创建了一本非常大的词典

我正在使用 crunch 创建一本词典,其中包含 8 个字符的所有组合。一段时间后,它停止创建词典,因为它需要 56 TB 的空间。



好吧。如果你对所有 8 个字符的组合运行它,你会得到

(26 * 2)^8 * 8 = 427677828251648

字符。这大约是 389TB 的空间(未压缩)。您试图生成的字典太大。要减少它,您可以

  • 限制字符集,或者
  • 密码长度


  • 使用选项压缩它-z(这几乎没有足够的帮助,因为压缩随机字符串效率不高)
  • -d使用或选项限制重复-p
  • 将输出拆分为多个文件(请参阅-o START

摘录自man 1 crunch

   -z gzip, bzip2, lzma, and 7z
          Compresses the output from the -o option.  Valid parameters are 
          gzip, bzip2, lzma, and 7z. gzip is the fastest but the compression 
          is minimal.  bzip2 is a little slower than gzip but has better 
          compression.  7z is slowest but has the best compression.

   -d numbersymbol
          Limits the number of duplicate characters.  -d 2@ limits the lower
          case alphabet to output like aab and aac.  aaa would not be 
          generated as that is 3 consecutive letters of a.  The format is 
          number then symbol where number is the maximum number of consecutive
          characters and symbol is the symbol of the  the  character  set
          you want to limit i.e. @,%^   See examples 17-19.

   -p charset OR -p word1 word2 ...
          Tells crunch to generate words that don't have repeating characters.
          By default crunch will generate a wordlist size of 
          #of_chars_in_charset ^ max_length.  This option  will  instead 
          generate  #of_chars_in_charset!.   The  !  stands for factorial.
          For example say the charset is abc and max length is 4..  Crunch 
          will by default generate 3^4 = 81 words.  This option will instead
          generate 3! = 3x2x1 = 6 words (abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba).
          THIS MUST BE  THE  LAST  OPTION!   This option CANNOT be used with
          -s and it ignores min and max length however you must still specify
          two numbers.
