下载文件夹中出现了神秘的 a.out 文件

下载文件夹中出现了神秘的 a.out 文件


Virustotal 自 2012 年起就知道该文件并将其报告为干净的 - 但似乎其他人也遇到过这种情况。


File: a.out 1759 bytes

MD5 f61595bec6cc87903ce1677723c878cb

SHA1 fbe66f197516eed6bb357db1bb19ed0d2c3d8fa8

SHA256 e20c67711743553e16501b65a9921f59643edafd32d46e37f916d43e0023ffc3


a.out:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .interp:

0000000000400158 <.interp>:
  400158:   2f                      (bad)  
  400159:   6c                      insb   (%dx),%es:(%rdi)
  40015a:   69 62 2f 6c 64 36 34    imul   $0x3436646c,0x2f(%rdx),%esp
  400161:   2e 73 6f                jae,pn 4001d3 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0x4001d3>
  400164:   2e 31 00                xor    %eax,%cs:(%rax)

Disassembly of section .hash:

0000000000400168 <.hash>:
  400168:   01 00                   add    %eax,(%rax)

Disassembly of section .dynstr:

0000000000400178 <.dynstr>:
  400178:   00 6c 69 62             add    %ch,0x62(%rcx,%rbp,2)
  40017c:   72 74                   jb     4001f2 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0x4001f2>
  40017e:   2e 73 6f                jae,pn 4001f0 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0x4001f0>
  400181:   2e 31 00                xor    %eax,%cs:(%rax)

Disassembly of section .eh_frame:

0000000000400188 <.eh_frame>:
  400188:   14 00                   adc    $0x0,%al
  40018a:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  40018c:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  40018e:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  400190:   01 7a 52                add    %edi,0x52(%rdx)
  400193:   00 01                   add    %al,(%rcx)
  400195:   78 10                   js     4001a7 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0x4001a7>
  400197:   01 1b                   add    %ebx,(%rbx)
  400199:   0c 07                   or     $0x7,%al
  40019b:   08 90 01 00 00 24       or     %dl,0x24000001(%rax)
  4001a1:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  4001a3:   00 1c 00                add    %bl,(%rax,%rax,1)
  4001ae:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  4001b0:   00 0e                   add    %cl,(%rsi)
  4001b2:   10 46 0e                adc    %al,0xe(%rsi)
  4001b5:   18 4a 0f                sbb    %cl,0xf(%rdx)
  4001b8:   0b 77 08                or     0x8(%rdi),%esi
  4001bb:   80 00 3f                addb   $0x3f,(%rax)
  4001be:   1a 3b                   sbb    (%rbx),%bh
  4001c0:   2a 33                   sub    (%rbx),%dh
  4001c2:   24 22                   and    $0x22,%al
  4001c4:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)

Disassembly of section .dynamic:

00000000006001c8 <_DYNAMIC>:
  6001c8:   01 00                   add    %eax,(%rax)
  6001ca:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001cc:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001ce:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001d0:   01 00                   add    %eax,(%rax)
  6001d2:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001d4:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001d6:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001d8:   04 00                   add    $0x0,%al
  6001da:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001dc:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001de:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001e0:   68 01 40 00 00          pushq  $0x4001
  6001e5:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001e7:   00 05 00 00 00 00       add    %al,0x0(%rip)        # 6001ed <_DYNAMIC+0x25>
  6001ed:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001ef:   00 78 01                add    %bh,0x1(%rax)
  6001f2:   40 00 00                add    %al,(%rax)
  6001f5:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001f7:   00 06                   add    %al,(%rsi)
  6001f9:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001fb:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001fd:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  6001ff:   00 78 01                add    %bh,0x1(%rax)
  600202:   40 00 00                add    %al,(%rax)
  600205:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600207:   00 0a                   add    %cl,(%rdx)
  600209:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  60020b:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  60020d:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  60020f:   00 0c 00                add    %cl,(%rax,%rax,1)
  600212:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600214:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600216:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600218:   0b 00                   or     (%rax),%eax
  60021a:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  60021c:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  60021e:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600220:   18 00                   sbb    %al,(%rax)
  600222:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600224:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600226:   00 00                   add    %al,(%rax)
  600228:   15 00 00 00 00          adc    $0x0,%eax


Ubuntu 12.04.04 LTS 64 位。

使用 Firefox 从 sourceforge 下载软件包时出现此文件。



  • 我确信该文件不是我自己创建的。
  • 除了我发起的下载之外,浏览器不显示任何下载。
  • 当时没有网站可能被感染 —— 除非 Nixnote 的 sourceforge 页面被黑客入侵。
  • 统计数据未显示任何值得注意的信息,没有设定出生日期。

readelf 输出:

ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  Class:                             ELF64
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              EXEC (Executable file)
  Machine:                           Advanced Micro Devices X86-64
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x0
  Start of program headers:          64 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          744 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x0
  Size of this header:               64 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           56 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         5
  Size of section headers:           64 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         10
  Section header string table index: 7

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] .interp           PROGBITS         0000000000400158  00000158
       000000000000000f  0000000000000000   A       0     0     1
  [ 2] .hash             HASH             0000000000400168  00000168
       000000000000000c  0000000000000004   A       3     0     8
  [ 3] .dynsym           DYNSYM           0000000000400178  00000178
       0000000000000000  0000000000000018   A       4     1     8
  [ 4] .dynstr           STRTAB           0000000000400178  00000178
       000000000000000c  0000000000000000   A       0     0     1
  [ 5] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         0000000000400188  00000188
       0000000000000040  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8
  [ 6] .dynamic          DYNAMIC          00000000006001c8  000001c8
       00000000000000d0  0000000000000010  WA       4     0     8
  [ 7] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  00000298
       000000000000004c  0000000000000000           0     0     1
  [ 8] .symtab           SYMTAB           0000000000000000  00000568
       0000000000000138  0000000000000018           9     9     8
  [ 9] .strtab           STRTAB           0000000000000000  000006a0
       000000000000003f  0000000000000000           0     0     1
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), l (large)
  I (info), L (link order), G (group), T (TLS), E (exclude), x (unknown)
  O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific)

There are no section groups in this file.

Program Headers:
  Type           Offset             VirtAddr           PhysAddr
                 FileSiz            MemSiz              Flags  Align
  PHDR           0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000400040 0x0000000000400040
                 0x0000000000000118 0x0000000000000118  R E    8
  INTERP         0x0000000000000158 0x0000000000400158 0x0000000000400158
                 0x000000000000000f 0x000000000000000f  R      1
      [Requesting program interpreter: /lib/ld64.so.1]
  LOAD           0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000400000 0x0000000000400000
                 0x00000000000001c8 0x00000000000001c8  R      200000
  LOAD           0x00000000000001c8 0x00000000006001c8 0x00000000006001c8
                 0x00000000000000d0 0x00000000000000d0  RW     200000
  DYNAMIC        0x00000000000001c8 0x00000000006001c8 0x00000000006001c8
                 0x00000000000000d0 0x00000000000000d0  RW     8

 Section to Segment mapping:
  Segment Sections...
   01     .interp 
   02     .interp .hash .dynsym .dynstr .eh_frame 
   03     .dynamic 
   04     .dynamic 

Dynamic section at offset 0x1c8 contains 8 entries:
  Tag        Type                         Name/Value
 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [librt.so.1]
 0x0000000000000004 (HASH)               0x400168
 0x0000000000000005 (STRTAB)             0x400178
 0x0000000000000006 (SYMTAB)             0x400178
 0x000000000000000a (STRSZ)              12 (bytes)
 0x000000000000000b (SYMENT)             24 (bytes)
 0x0000000000000015 (DEBUG)              0x0
 0x0000000000000000 (NULL)               0x0

There are no relocations in this file.

There are no unwind sections in this file.

Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 0 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 13 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND 
     1: 0000000000400158     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1 
     2: 0000000000400168     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    2 
     3: 0000000000400178     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3 
     4: 0000000000400178     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4 
     5: 0000000000400188     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5 
     6: 00000000006001c8     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 
     7: 00000000006001c8     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 _DYNAMIC
     8: 0000000000000000     0 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT    6 _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
     9: 0000000000600298     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _edata
    10: 0000000000600298     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _end
    11: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND _start
    12: 0000000000600298     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS __bss_start

Histogram for bucket list length (total of 1 buckets):
 Length  Number     % of total  Coverage
      0  1          (100.0%)

No version information found in this file.



make如果您最近下载了需要编译的内容并运行过gcc,那么答案可能就是如此。您可能可以弄清楚它是什么,strings a.out | less并查看它包含哪些字符串;这往往比十六进制化更容易一些。

如果你确定这不是你自己创作的,请检查创作日期 ( stat a.out) 并检查浏览器的下载历史记录。这可能会提示你从哪里下载的。



如果您运行命令ld -lrt,ld 将创建一个具有相同哈希值的文件“a.out”。

您可能使用错误输入的ls -lrt命令创建了此文件。


也许您从 sourceforge 下载了该文件作为安装程序?如果它是病毒,最好检查一下... 按 Ctrl-Alt-T,将打开一个终端。输入

file ~/Downloads/a.out

如果它没有显示任何错误,请使用 readelf 命令和 elfedit 命令进行调查。在此处发布输出。



我也遇到过这种情况(我使用的是 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,文件出现在我的主文件夹中)。当我回溯并查看我在终端中使用过的命令时,我发现我在尝试理解汇编语言时使用了“as”命令。用户输入“as”而不是“ls”的可能性很小,这种情况会发生(可能吗?)。

