罗技 DiNovo Edge USB 蓝牙键盘在 12.04lts 升级至 14.04lts 后停止工作

罗技 DiNovo Edge USB 蓝牙键盘在 12.04lts 升级至 14.04lts 后停止工作

我在将台式机(商用 PC 部件)从 12.04lts 升级到 14.04lts 后注意到了这一点。昨天收到有新版本可用通知后,使用更新程序完成升级。我在几台计算机上研究了几个小时。两台电脑有问题,一台似乎没问题。从这台台式机开始,日志在 syslog 蓝牙启动中显示同一台机器上的版本之间存在差异。

蓝牙设备是带有 USB 蓝牙 2.0 适配器的 Logitech Edge 键盘。


Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Bluetooth daemon 4.98
Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Starting SDP server
Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Failed to init alert plugin
Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Failed to init time plugin
Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Failed to init proximity plugin
Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Failed to init gatt_example
Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Listening for HCI events on hci0
Aug 12 21:27:26 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: HCI dev 0 up
Aug 12 21:27:27 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Adapter /org/bluez/1058/hci0 has
been enabled
Aug 12 21:27:53 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
Aug 12 21:27:53 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
Aug 12 21:27:53 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
Aug 12 21:28:19 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.53 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
Aug 12 21:28:19 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.53 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
Aug 12 21:28:19 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint registered:
sender=:1.53 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
Aug 12 21:28:34 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint unregistered:
sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
Aug 12 21:28:34 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint unregistered:
sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
Aug 12 21:28:34 ceora bluetoothd[1058]: Endpoint unregistered:
sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink


Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Bluetooth daemon 4.101
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Starting SDP server
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: DIS cannot start: GATT is disabled
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Failed to init deviceinfo plugin
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Failed to init proximity plugin
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Failed to init time plugin
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Failed to init alert plugin
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Failed to init thermometer plugin
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Failed to init gatt_example plugin
Aug 14 12:30:18 ceora bluetoothd[5360]: Bluetooth Management interface initialized

对于使用 14.04 的计算机(Dell mini 910):

Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Bluetooth daemon 4.101
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Starting SDP server
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: DIS cannot start: GATT is disabled
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Failed to init deviceinfo plugin
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Failed to init proximity plugin
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Failed to init time plugin
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Failed to init alert plugin
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Failed to init thermometer plugin
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Failed to init gatt_example plugin
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Bluetooth Management interface initialized
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Adapter /org/bluez/7378/hci0 has been enabled
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.67 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.67 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPHS
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.67 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.67 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
Aug 14 12:32:12 dellmini bluetoothd[7378]: hci0: Load Long Term Keys (0x0013) failed: Not Supported (0x0c)

请注意,在工作配置中存在指代适配器的行/org/bluez/1058/hci0,而在损坏的配置中则缺失。我还有一台运行 14.04 的 Acer Aspire One,它的症状/日志与我损坏的台式机相同,并且那里的蓝牙也坏了。我的蓝牙键盘在运行 13.04 或 13.10 的 Acer 上确实可以使用,但我记不清是哪个了。

从用户界面来看,故障表现在系统设置 -> 蓝牙因为一切都变灰了未找到蓝牙适配器在适配器列表中。菜单栏中显示蓝牙状态的复选框将选中,但什么也不显示。




  1. 按住加密狗上的红色按钮并插入加密狗。

  2. 打开系统设置 -> 蓝牙实用程序。现在打开蓝牙的选项不再是灰色的,并且蓝牙已打开。

  3. 添加设备并配对即可!
