我刚刚从 ubuntu 12.04(我很喜欢)升级到 ubuntu 14.04,现在无法安装 apt-fast。我的网络连接非常慢,我想使用 apt-fast 下载,但每当我添加 apt-fast ppa 并更新并尝试安装它时,它都会说
package apt-fast not found
我非常感谢 askubuntu 的努力(包括你们这些了不起的人 ;))来帮助我。我的问题已经得到解答了。这是我的软件源的屏幕截图。回答我问题的人显然删除了回答我问题的评论,但这是帮助我添加 apt-fast 的存储库
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/myppa
无论如何,谢谢你们帮助我。你们太棒了 :-) XD
首先,你可能误解了 apt-fast 的用途。它不是用于慢速网络连接的,而是用于快速网络连接的。如果你的互联网连接速度很慢,那么你就不会达到存储库的瓶颈,也不会从同时从多个存储库中提取数据中获益。
更直接地回答您的问题,您是否sudo apt-get update
在提问期间,我在测试机器上尝试了存储库,但它似乎已损坏(适用于 ubuntu/trusty 14.04)。当您尝试更新存储库时,您遇到了什么错误?
或者,如果 apt-fast 存储库损坏,你可以使用github。
您还可以将损坏的(或不可用的 14.04)存储库告知 apt-fast 支持团队。
- 打开终端,
sudo nano /usr/bin apt-fast
# !/bin/sh
# apt-fast v0.03 by Matt Parnell http://www.mattparnell.com, this thing is fully open-source
# if you do anything cool with it, let me know so I can publish or host it for you
# contact me at [email protected]
# Special thanks
# Travis/travisn000 - support for complex apt-get commands
# Allan Hoffmeister - aria2c support
# Abhishek Sharma - aria2c with proxy support
# Richard Klien - Autocompletion, Download Size Checking (made for on ubuntu, untested on other distros)
# Patrick Kramer Ruiz - suggestions - see Suggestions.txt
# Sergio Silva - test to see if axel is installed, root detection/sudo autorun
# Use this just like apt-get for faster package downloading.
# Check for proper priveliges
[ "`whoami`" = root ] || exec sudo "$0" "$@"
# Test if the axel is installed
if [ ! -x /usr/bin/axel ]
then echo "axel is not installed, perform this?(y/n)"
read ops
case $ops in
y) if apt-get install axel -y --force-yes
then echo "axel installed"
else echo "unable to install the axel. you are using sudo?" ; exit
fi ;;
n) echo "not possible usage apt-fast" ; exit ;;
# If the user entered arguments contain upgrade, install, or dist-upgrade
if echo "$@" | grep -q "upgrade\|install\|dist-upgrade"; then
echo "Working...";
# Go into the directory apt-get normally puts downloaded packages
cd /var/cache/apt/archives/;
# Have apt-get print the information, including the URI's to the packages
# Strip out the URI's, and download the packages with Axel for speediness
# I found this regex elsewhere, showing how to manually strip package URI's you may need...thanks to whoever wrote it
apt-get -y --print-uris $@ | egrep -o -e "(ht|f)tp://[^\']+" > apt-fast.list && cat apt-fast.list | xargs -l1 axel -a
# Perform the user's requested action via apt-get
apt-get $@;
echo -e "\nDone! Verify that all packages were installed successfully. If errors are found, run apt-get clean as root and try again using apt-get directly.\n";
apt-get $@;
3. Ctrl+ O,保存文件。Ctrl+ X,关闭nano。
sudo chmod + x /usr/bin/apt-fast
sudo apt-get 安装 axel