无法在 Ubuntu 14.04 中运行 Ubuntu touch

无法在 Ubuntu 14.04 中运行 Ubuntu touch


sent 960 bytes  received 106 bytes  2.13K bytes/sec <br/>
total size is 40.97K  speedup is 38.44 <br/>
20:10:22: The process "/usr/bin/rsync" exited normally. <br/>
WARNING:root:Ignoring missing framework "ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2" <br />
Successfully built package in './com.ubuntu.developer.username.untitled_0.1_all.click'. <br />

20:10:31: The process "/usr/bin/click" exited normally.

20:10:31: The click package has been created in /home/vp7/Ubuntu apps /build-untitled-

20:10:31: Deploy step failed. No valid device configured

Error while building/deploying project untitled (kit: UbuntuSDK for i386 (GCC ubuntu-sdk-14.04-trusty))

When executing step 'Upload files to Ubuntu Device'
20:10:32: Elapsed time: 00:11.

adb devices当我看到使用输出运行的设备列表时emulator-5556 设备

uname -m输出为i686


您是否已将模拟器与套件关联?要进行关联,请转到工具 > 选项 > 构建和运行 > 套件并从错误消息中判断,选择您的套件(“UbuntuSDK for i386 (GCC ubuntu-sdk-14.04-trusty)”。确保“设备类型”设置为“Ubuntu 设备 (i386)”。然后从“设备”选项中选择正确的模拟器实例。

以下是相关选项。我的模拟器名为“aug11i386”,但您的模拟器可能有其他名称。 选项页面截图

您可以在设备Qt Creator 中的选项卡。每个选项卡都列出了它与哪个套件相关联。如果它没有与套件相关联,它会为您制作一个新套件,但奇怪的是,这里似乎没有办法将它与现有套件相关联。相反,您必须通过选项菜单如上所述。
