如何使用音频 CD 的音调和速度控制?

如何使用音频 CD 的音调和速度控制?

我刚买了一张 CD,并将其编码为 FLAC,在 CD 的内页上,有一条注释,说为了以适当的音高水平体验音乐(这对于古典音乐来说很重要),音高必须调整 -3%,从而导致节奏同样降低,这也是合适的。如何在播放 .flac 文件时获得音高和速度的降低?通过 CLI 执行此操作会是一个优点,但不是必需的。

注意:不同于如何修改音频输出的音调?Ubuntu 音频音调变换过滤器如何控制Banshee的播放速度?具有速度控制的音乐/播客播放器吗?或任何其他要求音调受影响但不影响速度或反之亦然的问题。另外,我并不是在问如何更改系统范围内的音频音调和速度。


  • 如果你可以导入你的声音文件大胆,您将在“效果”菜单中看到“更改速度”功能:您可以将速度精确设置为 -100 到 +400 之间的任意百分比。
  • 或者播放器和速度选项,命令行将是:
    mplayer -speed 0.97 soundfile.mp3


我觉得大胆@laugeo 提到的选项不错,但不是你喜欢的 CLI。mplayer选项是一个命令行,但不是永久的。



   speed factor[c]
          Adjust  the  audio  speed (pitch and tempo together).  factor is
          either the ratio of the new speed to the old speed: greater than
          1  speeds  up,  less than 1 slows down, or, if appended with the
          letter `c', the number of cents (i.e. 100ths of a  semitone)  by
          which  the  pitch (and tempo) should be adjusted: greater than 0
          increases, less than 0 decreases.


sox /path/to/input.flac /path/to/output.flac speed 0.97 


          Technically, the speed  effect  only  changes  the  sample  rate
          information, leaving the samples themselves untouched.  The rate
          effect is invoked automatically to resample to the output sample
          rate,  using  its  default quality/speed.  For higher quality or
          higher speed  resampling,  in  addition  to  the  speed  effect,
          specify the rate effect with the desired quality option.


   rate [-q|-l|-m|-h|-v] [override-options] RATE[k]
          Change  the audio sampling rate (i.e. resample the audio) to any
          given RATE (even non-integer if this is supported by the  output
          file format) using a quality level defined as follows:
                       Quality   Band-   Rej dB   Typical Use
                 -q     quick     n/a    ≈30 @    playback on
                                          Fs/4    ancient hardware
                 -l      low      80%     100     playback on old
                 -m    medium     95%     100     audio playback
                 -h     high      95%     125     16-bit mastering
                                                  (use with dither)
                 -v   very high   95%     175     24-bit mastering
          The simple quality selection described above  provides  settings
          that satisfy the needs of the vast majority of resampling tasks.
          Occasionally, however, it may  be  desirable  to  fine-tune  the
          resampler's   filter   response;  this  can  be  achieved  using
          override options, as detailed in the following table:
          -M/-I/-L     Phase response = minimum/intermediate/linear
          -s           Steep filter (band-width = 99%)
          -a           Allow aliasing/imaging above the pass-band
          -b 74-99.7   Any band-width %
          -p 0-100     Any phase response (0 = minimum, 25 = intermediate,
                       50 = linear, 100 = maximum)

因此,如果您想要最高标准质量和 48kHz 采样率,您的命令将增长为:

sox /path/to/input.flac /path/to/output.flac speed 0.97 rate -v 48k
