我意外删除了手机内存中的照片。访问手机的唯一方法是通过蓝牙,但 photorec 不接受它作为有效目标:
╰─$ photorec obex://[F4:9F:54:63:15:ED]/Images
PhotoRec 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013
Christophe GRENIER <[email protected]>
Unable to open file or device obex://[F4:9F:54:63:15:ED]/Images
Usage: photorec [/log] [/debug] [/d recup_dir] [file.dd|file.e01|device]
photorec /version
/log : create a photorec.log file
/debug : add debug information
PhotoRec searches various file formats (JPEG, Office...), it stores them
in recup_dir directory.
If you have problems with PhotoRec or bug reports, please contact me.
我还能恢复照片吗?我可以通过某种方式将其传输到 photorec,或者通过蓝牙对手机进行成像并在其上使用 photorec 吗?
如果您制作了手机的原始图像,则可以在其上运行 photorec。