为什么 rkhunter 跳过空的和丢失的日志文件扫描?

为什么 rkhunter 跳过空的和丢失的日志文件扫描?


sudo rkhunter --checkall --sk


[21:50:51]   Checking for missing log files                  [ Skipped ]
[21:50:51]   Checking for empty log files                    [ Skipped ]
[21:50:51] Info: Test 'apps' disabled at users request.

为什么有些测试被跳过了?我该如何让它不跳过它们?另外,这是什么意思Test 'apps' disabled at users request,因为我没有要求它不测试任何东西?


Description:    Ubuntu 14.10
Release:    14.10


  Installed: 1.4.0-3
  Candidate: 1.4.0-3
  Version table:
 *** 1.4.0-3 0
        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic/universe amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


首先,根据手册页 --checkall不是有效命令。可能rkhunter将其解释为--check


# The two options below may be used to check if a file is missing or empty
# (that is, it has a size of zero). The EMPTY_LOGFILES option will also check
# if the file is missing, since that can be interpreted as a file of no size.
# However, the file will only be reported as missing if the MISSING_LOGFILES
# option hasn't already done this.
# Both options are space-separated lists of pathnames, and may be specified
# more than once.
# NOTE: Log files are usually 'rotated' by some mechanism. At that time it is
# perfectly possible for the file to be either missing or empty. As such these
# options may produce false-positive warnings when log files are rotated.
# For both options the default value is the null string.


关于Test 'apps' disabled at users request信息消息,答案也在 中/etc/rkhunter.conf。您应该在这里查看:

# These two options determine which tests are to be performed. The ENABLE_TESTS
# option can use the word 'ALL' to refer to all of the available tests. The
# DISABLE_TESTS option can use the word 'NONE' to mean that no tests are
# disabled. The list of disabled tests is applied to the list of enabled tests.
# Both options are space-separated lists of test names, and both options may
# be specified more than once. The currently available test names can be seen
# by using the command 'rkhunter --list tests'.
# The supplied configuration file has some tests already disabled, and these
# are tests that will be used only occasionally, can be considered 'advanced'
# or that are prone to produce more than the average number of false-positives.
# Please read the README file for more details about enabling and disabling
# tests, the test names, and how rkhunter behaves when these options are used.
# The default values are to enable all tests and to disable none. However, if
# either of the options below are specified, then they will override the
# program defaults.
# hidden_procs test requires the unhide and/or unhide.rb commands which are
# part of the unhide respectively unhide.rb packages in Debian.
# apps test is disabled by default as it triggers warnings about outdated
# applications (and warns about possible security risk: we better trust
# the Debian Security Team).
DISABLE_TESTS=suspscan hidden_procs deleted_files packet_cap_apps apps


sudo rkhunter --sk --enable all --disable none
