如何使用 lame 编写专辑艺术家 ID3 标签?

如何使用 lame 编写专辑艺术家 ID3 标签?

Lame 没有命令行选项来记录“专辑艺术家”的 ID3 元数据。怎么办?


Lame 确实有命令行形式的 ID 标签。使用 lame 编码时请使用它们。要标记现有文件,最好使用其他方法。请参阅手册页通过运行man lame甚至lame -?提供良好的信息。

lame -?

  ID3 tag options:
--tt <title>    audio/song title (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ta <artist>   audio/song artist (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--tl <album>    audio/song album (max 30 chars for version 1 tag)
--ty <year>     audio/song year of issue (1 to 9999)
--tc <comment>  user-defined text (max 30 chars for v1 tag, 28 for v1.1)
--tn <track[/total]>   audio/song track number and (optionally) the total
                       number of tracks on the original recording. (track
                       and total each 1 to 255. just the track number
                       creates v1.1 tag, providing a total forces v2.0).
--tg <genre>    audio/song genre (name or number in list)
--ti <file>     audio/song albumArt (jpeg/png/gif file, v2.3 tag)
--tv <id=value> user-defined frame specified by id and value (v2.3 tag)
--add-id3v2     force addition of version 2 tag
--id3v1-only    add only a version 1 tag
--id3v2-only    add only a version 2 tag
--id3v2-utf16   add following options in unicode text encoding
--id3v2-latin1  add following options in latin-1 text encoding
--space-id3v1   pad version 1 tag with spaces instead of nulls
--pad-id3v2     same as '--pad-id3v2-size 128'
--pad-id3v2-size <value> adds version 2 tag, pad with extra <value> bytes
--genre-list    print alphabetically sorted ID3 genre list and exit
--ignore-tag-errors  ignore errors in values passed for tags

Note: A version 2 tag will NOT be added unless one of the input fields
won't fit in a version 1 tag (e.g. the title string is longer than 30
characters), or the '--add-id3v2' or '--id3v2-only' options are used,
or output is redirected to stdout.


        lame  --vbr-new --preset standard --tt "${tt}" --ta "${ta}" --tl "${tl}" --ty "${ty}" --tn "${tn}" --tg "${tg}" --add-id3v2 infile.wav outfile.mp3


专辑艺术家是一个非标准化的 ID3 标签。许多流行的音乐播放器(如 iTunes 和 Windows Media Player)将 TPE2 理解为专辑艺术家。


--tv TPE2=%albumartist% 
