如何让 ImageJ 在同一个会话中打开所有文件?

如何让 ImageJ 在同一个会话中打开所有文件?

当我在 ImageJ 中打开 Nautilus 中的多幅图像时,它们都会在新会话中打开。如果我已在运行一个会话,并在 Nautilus 中打开一个新文件,ImageJ 也会创建一个新会话。我该如何更改?


以下解决方案仅适用于一次处理多个文件,不适用于新图像。但要做到这一点,我相信您必须更改 ImageJ 的源代码。

  1. 创建一个额外的私人桌面文件imagej.desktop

    cp /usr/share/applications/imagej.desktop ~/.local/share/applications
    sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/.local/share/applications/imagej.desktop
    nano ~/.local/share/applications/imagej.desktop
  2. 找到以下Exec行:

    Exec=imagej %f


    Exec=imagej %F
  3. 保存文件

  4. 重启 nautilus

    nautilus -q

Add...  Accepts...
%f      a single filename.
%F      multiple filenames.
%u      a single URL.
%U      multiple URLs.
%d      a single directory. Used in conjunction with %f to locate a file.
%D      multiple directories. Used in conjunction with %F to locate files.
%n      a single filename without a path.
%N      multiple filenames without paths.
%k      a URI or local filename of the location of the desktop file.
%v      the name of the Device entry.
